curious about me(意思翻译)
curious about me(相似词语短语)
1、passionately curious───非常好奇;无比好奇
2、about me───关于我
3、all about me───关于我的一切
4、curious about───好奇;想知道;对…好奇
5、tell me about───告诉我关于…
6、curious pictures───奇怪的图片
7、curious george───好奇的乔治(电影名)
8、just curious───只是好奇
curious about me(双语使用场景)
1、In case you're curious, I asked her whether she was okay with me writing about this.───为防止大家好奇,我询问了她是否介意我写这篇文章。
2、"People are just curious about me when they spot me on the street, " she said.───当人们在街上认出我时,他们只是好奇。
3、It was a curious thing to say about someone who sought to kill people like him and like me.───我感到好奇,有人想要杀害像他和我这样的人?
4、I think many of my friends were so curious about me.───我想很多朋友都很好奇我。
curious about me(意思翻译)
curious about me(相似词语短语)
1、passionately curious───非常好奇;无比好奇
2、about me───关于我
3、all about me───关于我的一切
4、curious about───好奇;想知道;对…好奇
5、tell me about───告诉我关于…
6、curious pictures───奇怪的图片
7、curious george───好奇的乔治(电影名)
8、just curious───只是好奇
curious about me(双语使用场景)
1、In case you're curious, I asked her whether she was okay with me writing about this.───为防止大家好奇,我询问了她是否介意我写这篇文章。
2、"People are just curious about me when they spot me on the street, " she said.───当人们在街上认出我时,他们只是好奇。
3、It was a curious thing to say about someone who sought to kill people like him and like me.───我感到好奇,有人想要杀害像他和我这样的人?
4、I think many of my friends were so curious about me.───我想很多朋友都很好奇我。