1、The early decades of the 16th Century also established other important patterns that were to repeat themselves throughout Brazilian history.───在16世纪前期还建立了几种随后不断在巴西历史上重演的重要模式。
2、I'll highlight important patterns as they come up - that's half the point of the exercise, of course.───遇到重要的模式的时候我会把它重点标示出来,这也正是本次练习的一半意义之所在。
3、More important, patterns can be automated using pattern implementations that realize pattern specifications on a given platform.───更为重要的是,可以使用在给定平台上实现模式规范的模式实现对模式进行自动化。
4、In this installment, I've looked at two important patterns of code design and readability.───在本期文章中,我讨论了对于代码设计和可读性很重要的两个模式。
5、As important patterns for grassland management, grazing and fertilizing will have far-reaching effects on grassland ecosystem.───放牧、施肥作为草地经营管理的重要措施,会对草地生态XiTong产生深远的影响。
6、A BEP component is one such engine that can help in detecting important patterns in the environment, or enterprise.───CEP组件就是这样一个能够帮助检测环境或企业中重要模式的引擎。
7、Furthermore, after-the-fact aggregation can lack sufficient granularity, resulting in the hiding of important patterns in the data.───此外,事后聚合有时缺乏足够的粒度,从而导致重要模式隐藏在数据中不被发觉。
important patterns(意思翻译)
important patterns(相似词语短语)
1、sentence patterns───句型
2、shawl patterns───披肩图案
3、important issues───重要事件;重要问题
4、sewing patterns───缝纫花样
5、inborn patterns───先天模式
7、slipper patterns───拖鞋图案
8、important issue───重要问题;重要事件
important patterns(双语使用场景)
1、The early decades of the 16th Century also established other important patterns that were to repeat themselves throughout Brazilian history.───在16世纪前期还建立了几种随后不断在巴西历史上重演的重要模式。
2、I'll highlight important patterns as they come up - that's half the point of the exercise, of course.───遇到重要的模式的时候我会把它重点标示出来,这也正是本次练习的一半意义之所在。
3、More important, patterns can be automated using pattern implementations that realize pattern specifications on a given platform.───更为重要的是,可以使用在给定平台上实现模式规范的模式实现对模式进行自动化。
4、In this installment, I've looked at two important patterns of code design and readability.───在本期文章中,我讨论了对于代码设计和可读性很重要的两个模式。
5、As important patterns for grassland management, grazing and fertilizing will have far-reaching effects on grassland ecosystem.───放牧、施肥作为草地经营管理的重要措施,会对草地生态XiTong产生深远的影响。
6、A BEP component is one such engine that can help in detecting important patterns in the environment, or enterprise.───CEP组件就是这样一个能够帮助检测环境或企业中重要模式的引擎。
7、Furthermore, after-the-fact aggregation can lack sufficient granularity, resulting in the hiding of important patterns in the data.───此外,事后聚合有时缺乏足够的粒度,从而导致重要模式隐藏在数据中不被发觉。