6、continuities from the columbian exchange───哥伦布交流的延续
7、secondaries exchanges───二级交易所
8、excremental waste───PaiXie物
9、excusable delay───可原谅的延误
10、turnips exchange───萝卜交易所
1、Hunting is an activity for cultivating one's morality and entertainment and military excises in ancient society.───游猎活动是古代社会用以修身娱情和军事演练的一种狩猎兼游乐的活动。
2、Bulgaria has to gradually meet EU requirements in the excises on tobacco products, which aim at largely unifying prices across the Union.───保加利亚正逐渐向欧盟的烟草产品消费税要求靠近,而欧盟的目标则是在所有欧盟国家统一消费税价格。
3、If the endometrium polyp is not prompt excises, easy to block the oviduct aperture, the disturbance fertilized egg bed and the growth.───ZiGong内膜息肉如果不及时切除,容易阻塞输卵管开口,干扰受精卵着床和发育。
4、Objective: Discusses feasibility which around the tail an abscess line of issue of appendix excises.───目的:探讨尾周围脓肿行一期阑尾切除的可行性。
5、If excises soon then the childbirth, because initially the wound the palace throat opening will expand has the slight hemorrhage.───若摘除不久便分娩,初愈的伤口会因宫颈口扩张而发生轻微出血。
6、The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises.───国会有权规定并征收税金、关税、捐税和消费税。
7、Is hemangioma a very serious defect, does the danger that the child excises have how old?───血管瘤是个很严重的病吗,小孩切除的危险有多大?。
8、Morning excises help us to get ready for the day.───早Cao有助于我们为一天做好准备。
9、I can't go though the excises at two hours.───我不能在两个小时内完成这些练习。
1、Have after lacteal cancer excises operation more effective than changing cure safer remedial method?
2、Their toughly requirement doctor has grand bosom or artificial vagina operation, when the requirement cannot get satisfaction, often proper motion excises the penis or spermary, take female hormone.
3、The experiment makes clear, in the emasculated bandicoot that excises hypophysis, mammary gland lacks the reaction to progesterone completely.
4、With many excises however, modest price increases have little or 00 effect on sales.
5、In fact,Luke excises that part of Mark when he's copying that part of Mark, and he leaves out that ransom passage from Mark because that doesn't fit his Christology.
6、Surgical ligate excises back deep vein to reach its the illness after main branch gets be amelioratived greatly.
1、excitatory amino acid───兴奋性氨基酸
2、cinematic excrement───电影粪便
3、excavator song blippi───挖掘机鸣笛
4、excalibur crossbows───神剑弩
5、exculpatory clauses───免责条款
6、continuities from the columbian exchange───哥伦布交流的延续
7、secondaries exchanges───二级交易所
8、excremental waste───PaiXie物
9、excusable delay───可原谅的延误
10、turnips exchange───萝卜交易所
1、Hunting is an activity for cultivating one's morality and entertainment and military excises in ancient society.───游猎活动是古代社会用以修身娱情和军事演练的一种狩猎兼游乐的活动。
2、Bulgaria has to gradually meet EU requirements in the excises on tobacco products, which aim at largely unifying prices across the Union.───保加利亚正逐渐向欧盟的烟草产品消费税要求靠近,而欧盟的目标则是在所有欧盟国家统一消费税价格。
3、If the endometrium polyp is not prompt excises, easy to block the oviduct aperture, the disturbance fertilized egg bed and the growth.───ZiGong内膜息肉如果不及时切除,容易阻塞输卵管开口,干扰受精卵着床和发育。
4、Objective: Discusses feasibility which around the tail an abscess line of issue of appendix excises.───目的:探讨尾周围脓肿行一期阑尾切除的可行性。
5、If excises soon then the childbirth, because initially the wound the palace throat opening will expand has the slight hemorrhage.───若摘除不久便分娩,初愈的伤口会因宫颈口扩张而发生轻微出血。
6、The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises.───国会有权规定并征收税金、关税、捐税和消费税。
7、Is hemangioma a very serious defect, does the danger that the child excises have how old?───血管瘤是个很严重的病吗,小孩切除的危险有多大?。
8、Morning excises help us to get ready for the day.───早Cao有助于我们为一天做好准备。
9、I can't go though the excises at two hours.───我不能在两个小时内完成这些练习。
1、Have after lacteal cancer excises operation more effective than changing cure safer remedial method?
2、Their toughly requirement doctor has grand bosom or artificial vagina operation, when the requirement cannot get satisfaction, often proper motion excises the penis or spermary, take female hormone.
3、The experiment makes clear, in the emasculated bandicoot that excises hypophysis, mammary gland lacks the reaction to progesterone completely.
4、With many excises however, modest price increases have little or 00 effect on sales.
5、In fact,Luke excises that part of Mark when he's copying that part of Mark, and he leaves out that ransom passage from Mark because that doesn't fit his Christology.
6、Surgical ligate excises back deep vein to reach its the illness after main branch gets be amelioratived greatly.