1、Thee researchers report their findings in a paper that will appear in the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.───研究人员已将该项成果整理成论文,将发表在《IEEE智能交通XiTong》杂志上。 (I E E E) )
2、The researchers report their findings in a paper that will appear in the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.───研究人员已将该项成果整理成论文,将发表在《IEEE智能交通XiTong》杂志上。 (I E E E)
3、IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics.───IEEEXiTong,人和控制论汇刊.B辑,控制论。
4、IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.───电力电子学汇刊。
5、The researchers describe their model and analysis in the April issue of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.───研究者在四月份的美国电机及电子工程师学会会刊医学版上对他们的模型进行了描述和分析。
6、The researchers report their findings in a paper that will appear in the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.───研究人员已将该项成果整理成论文,将发表在《IEEE智能交通XiTong》杂志上。
7、IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices .───电子器件汇刊。
8、IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems.───IEEE生物医学电路与XiTong汇刊。
ieee transactions(意思翻译)
ieee transactions(相似词语短语)
1、journalize transactions───日记事务处理
2、memorized transactions───存储的事务
3、precedent transactions───先例交易
4、unauthorised transactions───未经授权的交易
5、transactions in gis───gis中的事务处理
7、ieee ieee───ieee和ieee
8、commercial transactions───买卖,交易;商业行为
9、transactions roblox───roblox交易
ieee transactions(双语使用场景)
1、Thee researchers report their findings in a paper that will appear in the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.───研究人员已将该项成果整理成论文,将发表在《IEEE智能交通XiTong》杂志上。 (I E E E) )
2、The researchers report their findings in a paper that will appear in the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.───研究人员已将该项成果整理成论文,将发表在《IEEE智能交通XiTong》杂志上。 (I E E E)
3、IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics.───IEEEXiTong,人和控制论汇刊.B辑,控制论。
4、IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.───电力电子学汇刊。
5、The researchers describe their model and analysis in the April issue of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.───研究者在四月份的美国电机及电子工程师学会会刊医学版上对他们的模型进行了描述和分析。
6、The researchers report their findings in a paper that will appear in the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.───研究人员已将该项成果整理成论文,将发表在《IEEE智能交通XiTong》杂志上。
7、IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices .───电子器件汇刊。
8、IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems.───IEEE生物医学电路与XiTong汇刊。