1、Discussions on Reducing the Number of Serviceable Cars Held Kept in Intermediate Station───对压缩中间站运用车保有量的探讨
2、Problems Existed in Shunting Operation when Crossing Mainline from Intermediate Station and Counter-Measurements───中间站穿越正线调车作业存在问题与改进对策
3、Increasing along with reorganization work requirement of the intermediate station, automated request for vehicles anti running has been getting higher and higher.───随着铁路中间站编组作业量的增大,对车辆防溜工作自动化的要求越来越高。
4、Probe into the Reduction of the Number of Serviceable Cars Kept at the intermediate station───中间站压缩运用车保有量的探讨
5、To strengthen the management of intermediate station, first of all the best stationmaster must be chosen.───加强中间站管理,首先要选拔好中间站站长。
6、A Tentative Discussion on the Means to Strengthen Construction Organization in Intermediate Station by Train Operation Depot───浅议车务段强化中间站施工组织方法
7、Research on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for the grade of intermediate station in the district───区段内中间站等级的模糊综合评判研究
8、Thought on Shortening the Transshipment Operation Time of Intermediate Station───对压缩中间站中转作业时间的思考
9、The Energy Belt was designed to speedily move people from the main train station in Bologna out to the airport with only one intermediate stop at Lazzaretto.───这条“能源带”的建造是为了有效地将博洛尼亚市内大的车站的人们快速地送往机场,只在Lazzaretto设有一个中间站。
intermediate station(英语使用场景)
1、To strengthen the management of intermediate station, first of all the best stationmaster must be chosen.
2、From the point of the distinguishing words status intermediate station among the nouns, adjectives and verbs.
3、Increasing along with reorganization work requirement of the intermediate station, automated request for vehicles anti running has been getting higher and higher.
4、Most of these routes is the same as both stations, mainly intermediate station different!
5、From the point of the distinguishing words status in the word class, the distinguishing words are the intermediate station among the nouns, adjectives and verbs.
intermediate station(意思翻译)
intermediate station(相似词语短语)
1、intermediate goods───半成品,半制成品;中间产品;半成品
2、intermediate filaments───[医]中间丝;中间纤丝;中间丝;中间纤维
4、intermediate good───中间货物
6、pre intermediate───中间前
7、intermediate product───[工经]中间产品;半成品;中间乘积;中间体; 中间产物; 半制品; 半成品
8、intermediate color───过渡色
9、intermediate fasting───中间禁食
intermediate station(双语使用场景)
1、Discussions on Reducing the Number of Serviceable Cars Held Kept in Intermediate Station───对压缩中间站运用车保有量的探讨
2、Problems Existed in Shunting Operation when Crossing Mainline from Intermediate Station and Counter-Measurements───中间站穿越正线调车作业存在问题与改进对策
3、Increasing along with reorganization work requirement of the intermediate station, automated request for vehicles anti running has been getting higher and higher.───随着铁路中间站编组作业量的增大,对车辆防溜工作自动化的要求越来越高。
4、Probe into the Reduction of the Number of Serviceable Cars Kept at the intermediate station───中间站压缩运用车保有量的探讨
5、To strengthen the management of intermediate station, first of all the best stationmaster must be chosen.───加强中间站管理,首先要选拔好中间站站长。
6、A Tentative Discussion on the Means to Strengthen Construction Organization in Intermediate Station by Train Operation Depot───浅议车务段强化中间站施工组织方法
7、Research on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for the grade of intermediate station in the district───区段内中间站等级的模糊综合评判研究
8、Thought on Shortening the Transshipment Operation Time of Intermediate Station───对压缩中间站中转作业时间的思考
9、The Energy Belt was designed to speedily move people from the main train station in Bologna out to the airport with only one intermediate stop at Lazzaretto.───这条“能源带”的建造是为了有效地将博洛尼亚市内大的车站的人们快速地送往机场,只在Lazzaretto设有一个中间站。
intermediate station(英语使用场景)
1、To strengthen the management of intermediate station, first of all the best stationmaster must be chosen.
2、From the point of the distinguishing words status intermediate station among the nouns, adjectives and verbs.
3、Increasing along with reorganization work requirement of the intermediate station, automated request for vehicles anti running has been getting higher and higher.
4、Most of these routes is the same as both stations, mainly intermediate station different!
5、From the point of the distinguishing words status in the word class, the distinguishing words are the intermediate station among the nouns, adjectives and verbs.