1、I was also inspired by spending a month at Nirvana school, a children's charity school in South India where I experienced unconditional love for the first time.───在天堂学校度过的一个月也让我很受启发。那是一个小孩子们的慈善学校,在印度南部。在那里我第一次体会到什么是无条件的爱。
2、As I write this article, at this very moment a team of people are working away at the school in India to launch a new design for the school website, which will be unveiled soon.───当我写这篇文章时,就在这个时刻,一组人正在印度的这所学校之外开始设计一个学校网站,它很快将和大家见面。
3、One day, when a boy named Ted returned from school in a hurry, his mother complained, It is six o'clock, and your school close at four—where have you been?───一天,一个名叫泰德的男孩急急忙忙从学校回来,TaMa妈抱怨道:“你的学校四点放学,现在已经六点了,你上哪儿去了?”
at a school in a school(意思翻译)
at a school in a school(相似词语短语)
1、a day at school───在学校的一天
2、a red school───红色学校
3、a hope school───希望学校
4、in a school───在一个派别;在一所学校
5、at school───在学校;在上课;在求学;adv.在学校,在上课,在求学
6、at a school───在学校
7、a school day───上学日
8、in a high school───在一所高中
9、a school───一所学校
at a school in a school(双语使用场景)
1、I was also inspired by spending a month at Nirvana school, a children's charity school in South India where I experienced unconditional love for the first time.───在天堂学校度过的一个月也让我很受启发。那是一个小孩子们的慈善学校,在印度南部。在那里我第一次体会到什么是无条件的爱。
2、As I write this article, at this very moment a team of people are working away at the school in India to launch a new design for the school website, which will be unveiled soon.───当我写这篇文章时,就在这个时刻,一组人正在印度的这所学校之外开始设计一个学校网站,它很快将和大家见面。
3、One day, when a boy named Ted returned from school in a hurry, his mother complained, It is six o'clock, and your school close at four—where have you been?───一天,一个名叫泰德的男孩急急忙忙从学校回来,TaMa妈抱怨道:“你的学校四点放学,现在已经六点了,你上哪儿去了?”