1、The introduction of the positivism method is the guide for the positivism philosophy.───实证方法的传入是实证哲学传入的先导。
2、natural law theory and the legal positivism are two theories that are antagonistic towards each other, as well as having great influence on the field of philosophy of law.───自然法理论和法律实证主义是法哲学界长期对立并且影响都十分广泛的两种理论,双方主要分歧在于法律与道德的关系方面。
3、Empiricism is the common ground of logical positivism and John Dewey's philosophy.───经验主义是逻辑实证主义和杜威哲学的共同前提。
positivism philosophy(意思翻译)
positivism philosophy(相似词语短语)
1、sensualism philosophy───感性哲学
2、positivism synonym───实证主义同义词
3、positivism defined───实证主义定义
4、moral philosophy───道德哲学;伦理学
5、positivism postpositivism───实证主义后实证主义
6、particularity philosophy───特殊性哲学
7、positivism define───实证主义定义
positivism philosophy(双语使用场景)
1、The introduction of the positivism method is the guide for the positivism philosophy.───实证方法的传入是实证哲学传入的先导。
2、natural law theory and the legal positivism are two theories that are antagonistic towards each other, as well as having great influence on the field of philosophy of law.───自然法理论和法律实证主义是法哲学界长期对立并且影响都十分广泛的两种理论,双方主要分歧在于法律与道德的关系方面。
3、Empiricism is the common ground of logical positivism and John Dewey's philosophy.───经验主义是逻辑实证主义和杜威哲学的共同前提。