1、A post on the Practice Fusion blog today asks the question: is cloud computing right for health IT?───Practice Fusion今天的一篇博文提出了一个问题:“云计算”适合健康信息领域吗?
2、The best reason to set aside such doubts and hope that cloud computing will take off in health care comes from the bottom up.───最给力的支持来自底层,人们将这些质疑搁置一边,希望云计算能运用于医疗保健中。
3、The big tech firms have convinced themselves that the health industry will be the next to embrace cloud computing.───大型技术公司已确信医保将会是下一个引进云计算的行业。
cloud health(意思翻译)
cloud health(相似词语短语)
1、shelf cloud───架云
2、low cloud───[气象]低云
3、dark cloud───乌云;黑云;暗云
4、cloud nine───n.九重天(想象中的天堂);极乐心境;狂喜状态;n.<俚>极乐心境,狂喜状态
5、cloud───n. (Cloud)克劳德(人名);vt.使混乱;以云遮蔽;使忧郁;玷污;n.云;阴云;云状物;一大群;黑斑;vi.阴沉;乌云密布
6、dust cloud───尘埃云;[天]尘云;尘雾;尘云,尘雾; 粉雾
7、disroot cloud───脱根云
8、cloud concert───云音乐会
cloud health(双语使用场景)
1、A post on the Practice Fusion blog today asks the question: is cloud computing right for health IT?───Practice Fusion今天的一篇博文提出了一个问题:“云计算”适合健康信息领域吗?
2、The best reason to set aside such doubts and hope that cloud computing will take off in health care comes from the bottom up.───最给力的支持来自底层,人们将这些质疑搁置一边,希望云计算能运用于医疗保健中。
3、The big tech firms have convinced themselves that the health industry will be the next to embrace cloud computing.───大型技术公司已确信医保将会是下一个引进云计算的行业。