1、It was obvious to millions in the Philippines and beyond, watching the drama unfold live on television, that the rescue squad lacked training and equipment.───不论是在菲律宾还是其他地方,对于坐在电视机前收看JieChi现场直播的数百万观众来说,营救队伍显然在训练和装备上存在不足。
2、Several members of a Japanese rescue squad arrived in Sichuan province today (Friday), with several more due to arrive later.───日本搜救队的一些人员星期五抵达四川省,晚些时候还有一些人将抵达。
3、The Hyper Rescue Squad received a hero's welcome from Tokyo Gov.───东京都知事ShiYuanShenTaiLang (Shintaro Ishihara)对超级救援队的归来给予了英雄凯旋式的欢迎。
4、if you cannot escape, is really a previous existence repair and comfort . . . at this critical moment, we need to call rescue squad!───如果你能逃出生天,真是上辈子修来的福分…在这危难时刻,我们需要呼叫拯救小队!
5、Rescue Squad Officers may have to integrate other non-TF personnel into ongoing operations, including utilities, law enforcement, military, and volunteer personnel.───救援小组主管需要整合其他非任务组人员正在进行的Cao作,包括公用事业,执法,军事,及义工人员。
6、The rescue squad, founded in 2001, sent 60 members to Haiti last month.───中国救援队成立于2001年,上月将60名队员派往海地。
7、the rescue squad arrived promptly; come here, quick!───营救小队及时赶到;到这里来,快点!
8、Each rescue work site must have one person designated in charge to maintain unity of command, usually designated as the rescue Squad Officer.───每个救助站都应该指定至少一人来负责协调命令的一致性,一般来说他们也是救援队的负责人。
9、As a result of greater intensity, rescue workers carried out daily in 4 classes, each rescue squad for 6 hours, 24 hours unending.───由于工作强度较大,救援人员每天分4班进行,每个救援队工作6个小时,24小时不曾停歇。
rescue squad(英语使用场景)
1、Fire officials said they believe the blaze originated in the destroyed heavy rescue squad truck but had not pinpointed a cause Friday.
2、Each rescue work site must have one person designated in charge to maintain unity of command, usually designated as the Rescue Squad Officer.
rescue squad(意思翻译)
rescue squad(相似词语短语)
1、man squad───男队
2、homicide squad───[法] 犯罪集团,ShaRen集团
3、mitten squad───连指手套队
4、squad car───n.JingCha巡逻车;JingChe;巡JingChe
6、grub rescue───食物救援
7、mendicancy squad───乞讨队
9、blonde squad───金发小队
rescue squad(双语使用场景)
1、It was obvious to millions in the Philippines and beyond, watching the drama unfold live on television, that the rescue squad lacked training and equipment.───不论是在菲律宾还是其他地方,对于坐在电视机前收看JieChi现场直播的数百万观众来说,营救队伍显然在训练和装备上存在不足。
2、Several members of a Japanese rescue squad arrived in Sichuan province today (Friday), with several more due to arrive later.───日本搜救队的一些人员星期五抵达四川省,晚些时候还有一些人将抵达。
3、The Hyper Rescue Squad received a hero's welcome from Tokyo Gov.───东京都知事ShiYuanShenTaiLang (Shintaro Ishihara)对超级救援队的归来给予了英雄凯旋式的欢迎。
4、if you cannot escape, is really a previous existence repair and comfort . . . at this critical moment, we need to call rescue squad!───如果你能逃出生天,真是上辈子修来的福分…在这危难时刻,我们需要呼叫拯救小队!
5、Rescue Squad Officers may have to integrate other non-TF personnel into ongoing operations, including utilities, law enforcement, military, and volunteer personnel.───救援小组主管需要整合其他非任务组人员正在进行的Cao作,包括公用事业,执法,军事,及义工人员。
6、The rescue squad, founded in 2001, sent 60 members to Haiti last month.───中国救援队成立于2001年,上月将60名队员派往海地。
7、the rescue squad arrived promptly; come here, quick!───营救小队及时赶到;到这里来,快点!
8、Each rescue work site must have one person designated in charge to maintain unity of command, usually designated as the rescue Squad Officer.───每个救助站都应该指定至少一人来负责协调命令的一致性,一般来说他们也是救援队的负责人。
9、As a result of greater intensity, rescue workers carried out daily in 4 classes, each rescue squad for 6 hours, 24 hours unending.───由于工作强度较大,救援人员每天分4班进行,每个救援队工作6个小时,24小时不曾停歇。
rescue squad(英语使用场景)
1、Fire officials said they believe the blaze originated in the destroyed heavy rescue squad truck but had not pinpointed a cause Friday.
2、Each rescue work site must have one person designated in charge to maintain unity of command, usually designated as the Rescue Squad Officer.