1、Regarding the reciprocal lattice primitive cells basic vectors as two line space basic vectors, this paper finds a new matrix method to work out the reciprocal lattice primitive cell.───视正格子原胞基矢和倒格子原胞基矢为线性空间的两个基底,提出了求解倒格子原胞的一种新的矩阵算法。
2、It is proved that the volume of Brillouin zone and that of the reciprocal lattice primitive cell are equal for BCC lattice and FCC lattice in three dimensions by a simple mathematical method.───用简单数学方法就体心立方晶格和面心立方晶格证明了三维情况下布里渊区体积等于倒格子原胞体积。
primitive lattice(意思翻译)
primitive lattice(相似词语短语)
1、primitive urge───原始冲动
2、primitive response───原始反应
4、reciprocal lattice───[物化]倒易点格,互易点阵;倒易晶格;倒易点阵,互易点阵,倒易晶格
5、primitive gatherings───原始集会
7、honeycomb lattice───蜂巢晶格
8、hinging lattice───铰链格
9、lattice energy───晶格能,点阵能;[物化]点阵能;[物化]晶格能
primitive lattice(双语使用场景)
1、Regarding the reciprocal lattice primitive cells basic vectors as two line space basic vectors, this paper finds a new matrix method to work out the reciprocal lattice primitive cell.───视正格子原胞基矢和倒格子原胞基矢为线性空间的两个基底,提出了求解倒格子原胞的一种新的矩阵算法。
2、It is proved that the volume of Brillouin zone and that of the reciprocal lattice primitive cell are equal for BCC lattice and FCC lattice in three dimensions by a simple mathematical method.───用简单数学方法就体心立方晶格和面心立方晶格证明了三维情况下布里渊区体积等于倒格子原胞体积。