1、When you feel pressure to live up to someone else's expectations, stop and consider whether or not their expectations are in harmony with yours, if not, do what's best for you.───当你觉得这样活着压力巨大时,就不要再想着自己是否达到了他人的期许,如果没有的话,那就做到最好的自己吧。
2、Or, if you're often helping Mom to use any of the plethora of Windows Live services, you can link her account to yours to speed things up, by seeing exactly what she sees in her browser.───或者你经常帮助母亲使用某些Windows Live服务,你可以将她的账号和你的链接到一起来加速访问,通过她在浏览器中所看的。
live up to yours(意思翻译)
live up to yours(相似词语短语)
1、live to live───活着就是为了活着
2、live up to now───活到现在
3、live up───v.快乐地过日子
4、live up for───为了
6、live to───活到
7、live up to───符合(标准),不负(盛名);不辜负;做到;实践
8、inability to live up to───无法达到
9、to live───活着(电影名);[电影]活着
live up to yours(双语使用场景)
1、When you feel pressure to live up to someone else's expectations, stop and consider whether or not their expectations are in harmony with yours, if not, do what's best for you.───当你觉得这样活着压力巨大时,就不要再想着自己是否达到了他人的期许,如果没有的话,那就做到最好的自己吧。
2、Or, if you're often helping Mom to use any of the plethora of Windows Live services, you can link her account to yours to speed things up, by seeing exactly what she sees in her browser.───或者你经常帮助母亲使用某些Windows Live服务,你可以将她的账号和你的链接到一起来加速访问,通过她在浏览器中所看的。