1、For the sake of it, the system applies WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Securiy) protocol to meet the requirment of security.───为解决这个问题,本XiTong采用WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Securiy)无线传输层安全协议来满足XiTong的安全需求。
2、But there is no room for complacency. Chinese consumers are no longer willing to spend blindly on anything foreign for the sake of it.───但它们没有理由自满。中国消费者不再愿意因为这点而盲目地购买外国商品。
3、Doing something for the sake of it is often worse than doing nothing.───为了一些目的而做事往往比什么都不做更糟糕。
4、It is much weaker to stick to a bad policy for the sake of it.───为了面子而坚持一项糟糕的政策,会让你显得更软弱。
5、We have a great team in Munich so I wouldn't move to England just for the sake of it. It would have to be a very good offer.───我们在慕尼黑有一个伟大的球队,所以我不会单纯为了他而转会去英格兰,毫无疑问将会有一个非常好的机会出现。
6、Maybe as she says is probably due to the war for the sake of it.───也许吧就像她说的那样可能是由于要打仗的缘故才这样的吧。
7、Standards should be enabling, not restricting just for the sake of it.───标准本身的作用应该是促进,而不是限制。
8、It is important that internal auditors do not just recommend the introduction or strengthening of controls for the sake of it.───内部审计人员不应当因其兴趣而推荐引入或加强某些控制。
for the sake of it(英语使用场景)
1、Know the state of the tide and strength of current; never dive for the sake of it.
2、Of course, there's no point in doing something intrinsically dull just for the sake of it.
3、Don't get married just for the sake of it.
4、He once destroyed an entire constellation just for the sake of it.
5、She likes spending money just for the sake of it.
6、Holding on to power for the sake of it will encourage people to despise Labour and add cowardice to whatever charge sheet they have already compiled.
7、However, adding photographs just for the sake of it is not a good idea.
8、He was just talking for the sake of it.
9、I think it is sad if you just want to be popular for the sake of it.
for the sake of it(意思翻译)
for the sake of it(相似词语短语)
1、expedience sake───权宜之计
2、for sake of───为了…
3、for god sake───看在上帝的份上
4、for the sake of love───为了爱
5、the sake of───看在上帝的份上
7、sake of───为了
8、for the sake of───为了;为了…的利益
9、for goodness sake───天哪;看在上帝面上; 千万; 看在老天爷份上; 务请;看在老天爷的份上
for the sake of it(双语使用场景)
1、For the sake of it, the system applies WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Securiy) protocol to meet the requirment of security.───为解决这个问题,本XiTong采用WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Securiy)无线传输层安全协议来满足XiTong的安全需求。
2、But there is no room for complacency. Chinese consumers are no longer willing to spend blindly on anything foreign for the sake of it.───但它们没有理由自满。中国消费者不再愿意因为这点而盲目地购买外国商品。
3、Doing something for the sake of it is often worse than doing nothing.───为了一些目的而做事往往比什么都不做更糟糕。
4、It is much weaker to stick to a bad policy for the sake of it.───为了面子而坚持一项糟糕的政策,会让你显得更软弱。
5、We have a great team in Munich so I wouldn't move to England just for the sake of it. It would have to be a very good offer.───我们在慕尼黑有一个伟大的球队,所以我不会单纯为了他而转会去英格兰,毫无疑问将会有一个非常好的机会出现。
6、Maybe as she says is probably due to the war for the sake of it.───也许吧就像她说的那样可能是由于要打仗的缘故才这样的吧。
7、Standards should be enabling, not restricting just for the sake of it.───标准本身的作用应该是促进,而不是限制。
8、It is important that internal auditors do not just recommend the introduction or strengthening of controls for the sake of it.───内部审计人员不应当因其兴趣而推荐引入或加强某些控制。
for the sake of it(英语使用场景)
1、Know the state of the tide and strength of current; never dive for the sake of it.
2、Of course, there's no point in doing something intrinsically dull just for the sake of it.
3、Don't get married just for the sake of it.
4、He once destroyed an entire constellation just for the sake of it.
5、She likes spending money just for the sake of it.
6、Holding on to power for the sake of it will encourage people to despise Labour and add cowardice to whatever charge sheet they have already compiled.
7、However, adding photographs just for the sake of it is not a good idea.
8、He was just talking for the sake of it.
9、I think it is sad if you just want to be popular for the sake of it.