1、If you don't see anything being graphed, you might need to change the scale by right-clicking on the graph area, selecting Properties, and then navigating to the graph TAB.───如果图中什么也看不到,表明您可能需要改变比例,右击图形区域,选择properties然后切换到Graph选项卡。
2、Each view provides an area graph that charts the progress of completed work against the total estimated work for the specified time duration.───每个视图都提供一个区域图,该图按指定持续时间内估计的总工作量,绘制已完成的工作进度。
3、As the following illustration shows, the report provides a stacked area graph of the lines of code that the team added, deleted, or modified in the most recent four weeks.───如下图所示,报表会提供堆叠区域图,以显示小组在最近四周加入、删除或修改过多少行的程序码。
4、Design and Realization of Drawing Three Dimensional Area-graph───可旋转三维区域图绘制的设计与实现
area graph(意思翻译)
area graph(相似词语短语)
1、antipodal graph───反足图
2、expander graph───膨胀图
3、dependencies graph───相关图;[计]依赖图
4、line graph───线状图表;线图
5、conic graph───圆锥图
6、sine graph───正弦图
7、endothermic graph───吸热图
8、adjacency graph───[计]邻接图
9、blank graph───空白图形
area graph(双语使用场景)
1、If you don't see anything being graphed, you might need to change the scale by right-clicking on the graph area, selecting Properties, and then navigating to the graph TAB.───如果图中什么也看不到,表明您可能需要改变比例,右击图形区域,选择properties然后切换到Graph选项卡。
2、Each view provides an area graph that charts the progress of completed work against the total estimated work for the specified time duration.───每个视图都提供一个区域图,该图按指定持续时间内估计的总工作量,绘制已完成的工作进度。
3、As the following illustration shows, the report provides a stacked area graph of the lines of code that the team added, deleted, or modified in the most recent four weeks.───如下图所示,报表会提供堆叠区域图,以显示小组在最近四周加入、删除或修改过多少行的程序码。
4、Design and Realization of Drawing Three Dimensional Area-graph───可旋转三维区域图绘制的设计与实现