1、The environmental facilities include: ritual facilities, education facilities, living facilities, recycling facilities and environment-related media facilities.───这些设施包括:祭祀设施、学习教育设施、生活设施,废弃物处理设施和环保宣传设施。
2、Connotation Defect and Strategy in Supervision over the Completion of Environmental Facilities in Construction Projects───建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测的内涵、缺陷及对策
3、The service quality of the general affairs office in the project for the hardware and environmental facilities had 17 indicators.───贰、本研究之总务处服务品质指标,在硬体设备及环境设施项目共发展出17项指标。
4、Every department, especially the department of pediatrics, had the lowest satisfaction rate in the "environmental facilities" dimension.───各科室在“环境设施”维度上的满意率均较低,尤其是儿科。
5、Combination of Individuality and Practicality--Pondering over the Public Environmental Facilities Design───个性与实用的结合--对城市公共环境设施设计的思考
6、The Application of Graphic Display Autocontrol Technology to the Laboratory Animal Environmental Facilities───图形显示自控技术在实验动物环境设施中的应用
7、Research on Environmental Facilities in Main Area of Hangzhou───杭州市主城区环境设施研究
8、The public environmental facilities reflect the mental outlook of an urban community and are closely related to the life of the inhabitants.───公共环境设施是一个城市群体精神面貌的体现。
9、Objective to systematically control and manage the equipment in a large-scale SPF laboratory animal environmental facilities.───目的为对规模化的SPF级实验动物环境设施中的设备进行XiTong控制与管理。
environmental facilities(英语使用场景)
1、Objective To systematically control and manage the equipment in a large - scale SPF laboratory animal environmental facilities.
environmental facilities(意思翻译)
environmental facilities(相似词语短语)
1、facilities department───设施部
2、environmental movement───环境运动
3、storage facilities───存储能力;贮藏设备;储存设备
4、environmental factors───环境因素,环境因子
5、environmental conservation───环境保护
6、recreational facilities───娱乐设施;休闲设施;娱乐设施; 休闲设施
7、exercise facilities───运动设施;健身设备
8、environmental design───[环境]环境设计
9、creche facilities───托儿所
environmental facilities(双语使用场景)
1、The environmental facilities include: ritual facilities, education facilities, living facilities, recycling facilities and environment-related media facilities.───这些设施包括:祭祀设施、学习教育设施、生活设施,废弃物处理设施和环保宣传设施。
2、Connotation Defect and Strategy in Supervision over the Completion of Environmental Facilities in Construction Projects───建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测的内涵、缺陷及对策
3、The service quality of the general affairs office in the project for the hardware and environmental facilities had 17 indicators.───贰、本研究之总务处服务品质指标,在硬体设备及环境设施项目共发展出17项指标。
4、Every department, especially the department of pediatrics, had the lowest satisfaction rate in the "environmental facilities" dimension.───各科室在“环境设施”维度上的满意率均较低,尤其是儿科。
5、Combination of Individuality and Practicality--Pondering over the Public Environmental Facilities Design───个性与实用的结合--对城市公共环境设施设计的思考
6、The Application of Graphic Display Autocontrol Technology to the Laboratory Animal Environmental Facilities───图形显示自控技术在实验动物环境设施中的应用
7、Research on Environmental Facilities in Main Area of Hangzhou───杭州市主城区环境设施研究
8、The public environmental facilities reflect the mental outlook of an urban community and are closely related to the life of the inhabitants.───公共环境设施是一个城市群体精神面貌的体现。
9、Objective to systematically control and manage the equipment in a large-scale SPF laboratory animal environmental facilities.───目的为对规模化的SPF级实验动物环境设施中的设备进行XiTong控制与管理。
environmental facilities(英语使用场景)
1、Objective To systematically control and manage the equipment in a large - scale SPF laboratory animal environmental facilities.