1、Always remember that if patients eat a diet rich in proteins and energy it may help to slow the progressive infection and prolong life.───牢记,如果病人饮食富含蛋白质及能量,就可以延缓病情的进程,并能延长寿命。
2、The second death occurred on 3 March in a 20-year-old woman who died following rapidly progressive acute pneumonia, which is a characteristic feature in many cases of H5N1 infection.───第二例死亡发生于3月3日。一名20岁妇女在患快速进行性急性肺炎之后死亡,而这是众多h5n1感染病例的特征。
3、In later years the infection can lead to sudden death or heart failure caused by progressive destruction of the heart muscle.───在随后数年内,感染可导致猝死或心肌进行性损害造成的心力衰竭。
progressive infection(意思翻译)
progressive infection(相似词语短语)
1、kidney infection───肾脏感染
2、progressive commercial───进步商业
4、lumbricoides infection───蛔虫感染
5、droplet infection───[内科]飞沫传染;飞沫[微滴]传染
6、progressive leasing───累进租赁
7、progressive development───n.前进发展
9、progressive taxation───[税收]累进税;累进税制
progressive infection(双语使用场景)
1、Always remember that if patients eat a diet rich in proteins and energy it may help to slow the progressive infection and prolong life.───牢记,如果病人饮食富含蛋白质及能量,就可以延缓病情的进程,并能延长寿命。
2、The second death occurred on 3 March in a 20-year-old woman who died following rapidly progressive acute pneumonia, which is a characteristic feature in many cases of H5N1 infection.───第二例死亡发生于3月3日。一名20岁妇女在患快速进行性急性肺炎之后死亡,而这是众多h5n1感染病例的特征。
3、In later years the infection can lead to sudden death or heart failure caused by progressive destruction of the heart muscle.───在随后数年内,感染可导致猝死或心肌进行性损害造成的心力衰竭。