1、Structure type of laiwu mining area is the tensible, oblique fault block.───莱芜矿区属于伸展性掀斜断块构造类型。
2、A foreign company is purchasing coated paper, newspaper and high tensible deformed bar in a large volume in China.───某外商在中国大量采购铜版纸、螺纹钢。
1、Structure type of laiwu mining area is the tensible, oblique fault block.
2、The tensible strength of vagus and spinal nerves is very alike.
3、XML stands for Ex tensible Markup Language, it is a markup language used to structure data logically using tags that look very similar to HTML.
4、We adopt the self-produced high quality chemical pulp to produce computer paper with the features of tensible strength, stable thickness and good dimensional stability.
1、intenseness meaning───集中意义
2、extensile approach───扩张进入法
3、extensile definition───可扩展定义
4、abdominal distension───腹胀,腹部膨隆; 中满
5、whitens farm───怀特农场
6、flatwise tension───平面张力
7、extensile lateral───外展性
8、intense heat───酷热
9、varying intensity───强度变化
10、tilt tension───倾斜张力
1、Structure type of laiwu mining area is the tensible, oblique fault block.───莱芜矿区属于伸展性掀斜断块构造类型。
2、A foreign company is purchasing coated paper, newspaper and high tensible deformed bar in a large volume in China.───某外商在中国大量采购铜版纸、螺纹钢。
1、Structure type of laiwu mining area is the tensible, oblique fault block.
2、The tensible strength of vagus and spinal nerves is very alike.
3、XML stands for Ex tensible Markup Language, it is a markup language used to structure data logically using tags that look very similar to HTML.
4、We adopt the self-produced high quality chemical pulp to produce computer paper with the features of tensible strength, stable thickness and good dimensional stability.