7、chalk and talk───填鸭式教学法;注入式教学法;n.粉笔和说话; 形容注入式(填鸭式)教学方法; 以老师为中心; 而不是以学生为中心。
8、talk and───谈话和
9、sit and talk───坐着说话
talk and learn(双语使用场景)
1、You will learn to talk about problems and be more patient with people you don't agree with—a friend, or a mate in your workroom or company.───你将学会探讨问题,对与你意见相左的人——朋友或办公室和公司的同事更有耐心。
2、Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become computer-literate, in other words, to learn to understand computers and what makes them tick.───计算机工作的人经常谈论其他人需要成为“计算机知识份子”,换句话说,要学习理解计算机以及它们的工作原理。
3、chalk and talk, children learn by doing—and do so in a way that tears up the usual subject-based curriculum altogether.───这样再也不需要“笔头和口头”,孩子们通过实践去学习,而且各种知识交织在一起,再也不用人为的去把它们划分开来。
4、And I believe the more we talk and learn from each other, the greater our chances of making progress together.───我深信我们彼此交谈和相互学习得越多,我们取得进步的机会也就越大。
talk and learn(意思翻译)
talk and learn(相似词语短语)
2、look and talk───看和说
3、look and learn───看看学学;阅读与学习 (Lookand Learn)
4、talk and fly───会说话会飞
5、talk talk───说话说话
6、talk talk talk───说吧,说吧
7、chalk and talk───填鸭式教学法;注入式教学法;n.粉笔和说话; 形容注入式(填鸭式)教学方法; 以老师为中心; 而不是以学生为中心。
8、talk and───谈话和
9、sit and talk───坐着说话
talk and learn(双语使用场景)
1、You will learn to talk about problems and be more patient with people you don't agree with—a friend, or a mate in your workroom or company.───你将学会探讨问题,对与你意见相左的人——朋友或办公室和公司的同事更有耐心。
2、Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become computer-literate, in other words, to learn to understand computers and what makes them tick.───计算机工作的人经常谈论其他人需要成为“计算机知识份子”,换句话说,要学习理解计算机以及它们的工作原理。
3、chalk and talk, children learn by doing—and do so in a way that tears up the usual subject-based curriculum altogether.───这样再也不需要“笔头和口头”,孩子们通过实践去学习,而且各种知识交织在一起,再也不用人为的去把它们划分开来。
4、And I believe the more we talk and learn from each other, the greater our chances of making progress together.───我深信我们彼此交谈和相互学习得越多,我们取得进步的机会也就越大。