1、nasser backed the arab insurgents , so the french were as eager as the british to see the back of him.───纳赛尔支持ALa伯QiYi军,因此法国和英国一样,急切的想摆脱纳赛尔的影响。
2、In fact, Mr Nasser does most of the chatting.───实际上,多数情况都是纳赛尔先生在聊天。
3、He was not a Marxist, at least: Egypt's nationalist hero, Gamal Abdel Nasser, was his model, rather than Lenin.───而且他压根不是马克思主义者:埃及民族主义英雄纳赛尔是他的偶像,而非列宁。
4、Nasser and I do everything together, he involves me in everything.───纳萨和我做什么事都在一起,他让我参与所有的事情。
5、He began to idolize President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, who preached Arab unity and socialism after deposing the king in a 1952 coup.───1952年埃及总统加麦尔·ABoDuLe·纳赛尔发动政变废黜国王,并鼓吹ALa伯统一和社会主义,卡扎菲从此极度崇拜他。
6、Nasser: Does Britain have aircraft carriers?───纳赛尔:英国有航空母舰吗?
7、Nasser was not an Islamist: he was a secular pan-Arabist socialist, which in the 1950s seemed to put him on history's cutting edge.───纳赛尔不是YiSiLan激进分子,却是泛ALa伯主义的社会党人,这种身份在1950年代把他推向了历史的前沿。
8、In 1956 the two colluded with Israel to attack Egypt and retake the Suez Canal, which had been nationalised by Gamal Abdel Nasser.───1956年两国与以色列勾结对埃及发动进攻,夺回了被加麦尔ABoDuLe纳赛尔收归国有的苏伊士运河。
9、The overthrow of the Alawiyya Dynasty in 1952 did not produce a republic; it resulted in the dictatorship of Gamal Abdel Nasser.───1952年推翻ALa维亚王朝并没有产生一个共和国,而是导致了贾迈勒ABoDuLe纳赛尔DuCaiZhuanZhi。
1、Gymnasiumrun out───体育馆跑偏
2、qing dynasty───清朝
3、bike nashbar───未知的
4、anastomosing vs braided river───吻合与辫状河
5、normandy dynasty───诺曼底王朝
6、anastomosis medical───吻合医学
7、fomes aquinas───亚琛座μ
8、minas gerais───米纳斯吉拉斯(巴西一州);米纳斯吉拉斯(巴西东部州)
9、manasseh sogavare───玛拿西·索加瓦雷,
10、gymnasia paola───保拉高中
1、nasser backed the arab insurgents , so the french were as eager as the british to see the back of him.───纳赛尔支持ALa伯QiYi军,因此法国和英国一样,急切的想摆脱纳赛尔的影响。
2、In fact, Mr Nasser does most of the chatting.───实际上,多数情况都是纳赛尔先生在聊天。
3、He was not a Marxist, at least: Egypt's nationalist hero, Gamal Abdel Nasser, was his model, rather than Lenin.───而且他压根不是马克思主义者:埃及民族主义英雄纳赛尔是他的偶像,而非列宁。
4、Nasser and I do everything together, he involves me in everything.───纳萨和我做什么事都在一起,他让我参与所有的事情。
5、He began to idolize President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, who preached Arab unity and socialism after deposing the king in a 1952 coup.───1952年埃及总统加麦尔·ABoDuLe·纳赛尔发动政变废黜国王,并鼓吹ALa伯统一和社会主义,卡扎菲从此极度崇拜他。
6、Nasser: Does Britain have aircraft carriers?───纳赛尔:英国有航空母舰吗?
7、Nasser was not an Islamist: he was a secular pan-Arabist socialist, which in the 1950s seemed to put him on history's cutting edge.───纳赛尔不是YiSiLan激进分子,却是泛ALa伯主义的社会党人,这种身份在1950年代把他推向了历史的前沿。
8、In 1956 the two colluded with Israel to attack Egypt and retake the Suez Canal, which had been nationalised by Gamal Abdel Nasser.───1956年两国与以色列勾结对埃及发动进攻,夺回了被加麦尔ABoDuLe纳赛尔收归国有的苏伊士运河。
9、The overthrow of the Alawiyya Dynasty in 1952 did not produce a republic; it resulted in the dictatorship of Gamal Abdel Nasser.───1952年推翻ALa维亚王朝并没有产生一个共和国,而是导致了贾迈勒ABoDuLe纳赛尔DuCaiZhuanZhi。