1、I saw a website about volunteering the other day.───我看到一个关于志愿服务的网站。
2、There's no such thing as a user reading a website manual or otherwise spending much time trying to figure out an interface.───没有这样的东西的网站用户阅读手册或其他花费时间试图找出一个接口。
3、Any other information that you enter at a website is saved in Safari's cache to be reused later.───您在网站上输入的任何其他信息都存储在Safari的高速缓存中,以供今后重用。
4、This person should be able to produce a website with the same video chat capabilities as Tinychat at the very MINIMUM.───这个人应该能够生产出具有相同的视频网站聊天,Tinychat在最起码的能力。
5、I also know a website that explain the meaning of parts of a character but it has no picture and it doesn't explain all characters well.───我也知道一个网站,它会解释一个汉字的部分字符的含义,但它没有图片,也没有解释所有的汉字。
6、website need not cannibalize existing sales.───网站不一定会冲击现有的销售。
7、Yang Tian and tiger tooth always station is on the website, until the train starts and slowly pedals to leave a website.───杨天和虎牙一直站在站台上,直到火车开动,缓缓驶离站台。
8、This is a website of Asian dragonflies.───这是一个亚洲蜻蜓的网站。
9、And I get to see my wireframes woven together with clever code and great graphic design into a website with fantastic user experience. . .───我也总能看到我的线框与聪明代码、伟大的图形设计一起结合成一个有着梦幻般用户体验的网站…
a website(英语使用场景)
1、These efforts are being coordinated through a website.
2、Bottle-collecting even has a website devoted to the subject.
3、If I hear about a website that sounds interesting, I check it out.
4、A website need not cannibalise existing sales.
5、The group launched a website to propagate its ideas .
6、Designing a website may be a lot of work but it's not rocket science.
7、A website may have many different web pages for you to click on and explore.
8、Q : What is a website crawler?
9、She also created Write a Senior, a website that links the elderly with pen pals around the world.
a website(意思翻译)
a website(相似词语短语)
1、grab a gun website───抢枪网站
2、parley website───谈判网站
3、rev a shelf website───版次a书架网站
4、clinic website───诊所网站
5、foreworn website───早期网站
6、creating a website───创建网站
7、groundwork website───基础网站
8、evite website───evite网站,
9、eros website───XingAi网站,
a website(双语使用场景)
1、I saw a website about volunteering the other day.───我看到一个关于志愿服务的网站。
2、There's no such thing as a user reading a website manual or otherwise spending much time trying to figure out an interface.───没有这样的东西的网站用户阅读手册或其他花费时间试图找出一个接口。
3、Any other information that you enter at a website is saved in Safari's cache to be reused later.───您在网站上输入的任何其他信息都存储在Safari的高速缓存中,以供今后重用。
4、This person should be able to produce a website with the same video chat capabilities as Tinychat at the very MINIMUM.───这个人应该能够生产出具有相同的视频网站聊天,Tinychat在最起码的能力。
5、I also know a website that explain the meaning of parts of a character but it has no picture and it doesn't explain all characters well.───我也知道一个网站,它会解释一个汉字的部分字符的含义,但它没有图片,也没有解释所有的汉字。
6、website need not cannibalize existing sales.───网站不一定会冲击现有的销售。
7、Yang Tian and tiger tooth always station is on the website, until the train starts and slowly pedals to leave a website.───杨天和虎牙一直站在站台上,直到火车开动,缓缓驶离站台。
8、This is a website of Asian dragonflies.───这是一个亚洲蜻蜓的网站。
9、And I get to see my wireframes woven together with clever code and great graphic design into a website with fantastic user experience. . .───我也总能看到我的线框与聪明代码、伟大的图形设计一起结合成一个有着梦幻般用户体验的网站…
a website(英语使用场景)
1、These efforts are being coordinated through a website.
2、Bottle-collecting even has a website devoted to the subject.
3、If I hear about a website that sounds interesting, I check it out.
4、A website need not cannibalise existing sales.
5、The group launched a website to propagate its ideas .
6、Designing a website may be a lot of work but it's not rocket science.
7、A website may have many different web pages for you to click on and explore.
8、Q : What is a website crawler?
9、She also created Write a Senior, a website that links the elderly with pen pals around the world.