1、Based on the active defense model of the network data transmission, a method of security measurement of the network data transmission is proposed.───基于网络数据传输过程中的主动防御模型,提出了一种对网络数据传输过程中的安全性进行测量、量化和评估的方法。
2、Agency of the U. s. Department of Defense. This international network allows its members to use the facilities and access the data from dozens of different computers.───美国GuoFangBu高级研究计划局建立的计算机网。这个国际网允许其成员使用其设备并对大批不同的计算机存取数据。
3、By applying Multisensor Data Fusion and Data Mining to intrusion detection, DIDM provides the comprehensive assessment of network attack and defense situations continuously and globally.───将多传感器数据融合与数据挖掘技术应用到分布式入侵检测中,可连续和全面地提供网络攻防战场环境态势的综合评估。
defense data network(意思翻译)
defense data network(相似词语短语)
1、nonpareil defense───非军事辩护
2、data───n. (Data)(日)驮太(姓);(印、葡)达塔(人名);n.数据;资料
3、data network───数据网络
6、dapper defense───潇洒的防守
7、exculpation defense───免责辩护
8、echinodermata defense───棘皮动物防御
9、turret defense───炮塔防御
defense data network(双语使用场景)
1、Based on the active defense model of the network data transmission, a method of security measurement of the network data transmission is proposed.───基于网络数据传输过程中的主动防御模型,提出了一种对网络数据传输过程中的安全性进行测量、量化和评估的方法。
2、Agency of the U. s. Department of Defense. This international network allows its members to use the facilities and access the data from dozens of different computers.───美国GuoFangBu高级研究计划局建立的计算机网。这个国际网允许其成员使用其设备并对大批不同的计算机存取数据。
3、By applying Multisensor Data Fusion and Data Mining to intrusion detection, DIDM provides the comprehensive assessment of network attack and defense situations continuously and globally.───将多传感器数据融合与数据挖掘技术应用到分布式入侵检测中,可连续和全面地提供网络攻防战场环境态势的综合评估。