1、hours totally disrupts work-life balance, causes you to miss out on time with loved ones, and more often than not, leads you to lose precious hours of sleep.───加班过劲儿不仅会打乱工作与生活间的平衡,将你和爱人阻挡在鹊桥两边,更有甚者,能让你连你的睡觉时间都无法保证。
2、Nick fights to not lose his loved ones, while trying to stay in good grace with the very powerful local crime boss. All the while, still trying to figure out who he is in life.───尼克战斗不会失去他的亲人,而试图保持良好的宽限期,具有非常强大的地方犯罪的老板。
lose ones life(意思翻译)
lose ones life(相似词语短语)
2、lose control───失去自制能力; 沉不住气;失控
3、uncouth ones───粗俗的人
5、lose home───失去家园
6、lose one s life───丧命
7、all ones life───一生一世
8、lose touch───失去联系
9、lose time───耽误时间;走得慢;失去时机;v.走得慢,耽误时间
lose ones life(双语使用场景)
1、hours totally disrupts work-life balance, causes you to miss out on time with loved ones, and more often than not, leads you to lose precious hours of sleep.───加班过劲儿不仅会打乱工作与生活间的平衡,将你和爱人阻挡在鹊桥两边,更有甚者,能让你连你的睡觉时间都无法保证。
2、Nick fights to not lose his loved ones, while trying to stay in good grace with the very powerful local crime boss. All the while, still trying to figure out who he is in life.───尼克战斗不会失去他的亲人,而试图保持良好的宽限期,具有非常强大的地方犯罪的老板。