1、Thoracic cavity (or chest cavity) : Second largest hollow space of the body, enclosed by the ribs, vertebral column, and breastbone and separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm.───胸腔:人体第二大的空腔,被肋骨、脊柱和胸骨包围,并以膈和腹腔隔开。
2、Spinal tuberculosis can affect any segment of the spinal column, but generally attacks the thoracic vertebrae.───脊柱结核可发生在脊柱的任何节段,但一般侵犯的是胸椎。
thoracic column(意思翻译)
thoracic column(相似词语短语)
1、fluted column───凹槽柱
2、thoracic kyphosis───胸椎后凸
4、thoracic duct───[解剖]胸导管
5、thoracic cavity───[解剖]胸腔
6、column chromatography───柱层析(法),柱色谱(法);柱层析法;[分化]柱色谱法
7、thoracic vertebrae───[解剖]胸椎
8、thoracic spine───[医]胸椎
9、buckling column───屈曲柱
thoracic column(双语使用场景)
1、Thoracic cavity (or chest cavity) : Second largest hollow space of the body, enclosed by the ribs, vertebral column, and breastbone and separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm.───胸腔:人体第二大的空腔,被肋骨、脊柱和胸骨包围,并以膈和腹腔隔开。
2、Spinal tuberculosis can affect any segment of the spinal column, but generally attacks the thoracic vertebrae.───脊柱结核可发生在脊柱的任何节段,但一般侵犯的是胸椎。