1、True faith is not a fruit of security, it is the ability to blend mortal fragility with the inner strength of the spirit.───真正的信念充满了危险,它是人类致命的脆弱与精神内在力量的能力结合。
2、You are still there, holding your faith in their true strength and inner power, encouraging them to go beyond their self-imposed limitations and be all that they can be.───你仍然在那,保持着你对他们真正内在气力的信仰,鼓励他们超越自己强加于自己的限制,成为自己本可成为的人。
3、Nature and art were the edges, and inner faith was the center.───自然与艺术皆为边缘,心中的信仰才是核心所在。
inner faith(意思翻译)
inner faith(相似词语短语)
1、plighted faith───坚定的信念
2、inner product───内积(即点积)
3、inner tube───轮胎之内胎
4、inner barrel───[矿业]内岩心筒
6、inner sloth───内懒惰
7、blind faith───盲目信仰,迷信
8、inner city───n.市中心,市中心区;市中心区,市中心
inner faith(双语使用场景)
1、True faith is not a fruit of security, it is the ability to blend mortal fragility with the inner strength of the spirit.───真正的信念充满了危险,它是人类致命的脆弱与精神内在力量的能力结合。
2、You are still there, holding your faith in their true strength and inner power, encouraging them to go beyond their self-imposed limitations and be all that they can be.───你仍然在那,保持着你对他们真正内在气力的信仰,鼓励他们超越自己强加于自己的限制,成为自己本可成为的人。
3、Nature and art were the edges, and inner faith was the center.───自然与艺术皆为边缘,心中的信仰才是核心所在。