1、River's demotion will also probably accelerate the struggling circuit's descent down the ranks of the world's top leagues.───河床队降级或许也将使阿根廷高度竞争的甲组联赛,加速从世界DingJi联盟的排名一路下滑。
2、Taroko gorge is a serious climb. In about 80 Km the altitude rises from 70m to over 2500m, with a cruel descent of some 200m near the top making the overall climb some 2700m.───鲁阁是一个险峻的任务,在80公里的路程里,要从海拔70公尺骑到2,500公尺,然后在接近山顶的地方还有一段残酷的200公尺,整个加起来要爬2,700公尺;
top of descent(意思翻译)
top of descent(相似词语短语)
1、descent───vt.除去…的气味;使…失去香味;n.下降;血统;袭击;n.下降; 斜坡; 恶化,沦落; 血统
2、top of───顶部
3、descent meaning───血统意义
4、gradient descent───[数]梯度下降
5、top top───顶部顶部
6、descent into───陷入……中
7、steepest descent───最陡下降;最速下降
8、descent movie───世系电影
9、descent definition───下降定义
top of descent(双语使用场景)
1、River's demotion will also probably accelerate the struggling circuit's descent down the ranks of the world's top leagues.───河床队降级或许也将使阿根廷高度竞争的甲组联赛,加速从世界DingJi联盟的排名一路下滑。
2、Taroko gorge is a serious climb. In about 80 Km the altitude rises from 70m to over 2500m, with a cruel descent of some 200m near the top making the overall climb some 2700m.───鲁阁是一个险峻的任务,在80公里的路程里,要从海拔70公尺骑到2,500公尺,然后在接近山顶的地方还有一段残酷的200公尺,整个加起来要爬2,700公尺;