a band of robbers(意思翻译)
a band of robbers(相似词语短语)
1、cops versus robbers───JingCha对强盗
3、a rock band───摇滚乐队
4、join a band───加入乐队
5、a band of───一帮;一伙;帮;一群;一个……的乐队
6、cops and robbers───JingCha与小偷
7、out of band───不同道信号传输,不同频道信号传输
8、take a band───带上乐队
9、armed robbers───武装劫匪
a band of robbers(双语使用场景)
1、We were set upon by a band of robbers.───一群强盗袭击了我们。
2、John was the chieftain of a band of robbers.───约翰是一伙强盗的头目。
3、They had not gone far before they saw a band of robbers pursuing them, for it was they who had dropped the bag.───他们还没走多远就看见一群强盗在追他们。因为是那群强盗丢了袋子。
4、a band of robbers, fugitives, revellers, etc───一帮强盗、逃亡者、寻欢作乐的人等。
5、Tom Sawyer hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers.───汤姆·索亚又把我找到了,说他要组织一个强盗帮。
6、They are a band of robbers.───他们是一伙强盗。
7、A band of robbers held up the train.───一群强盗QiangJie了火车。
a band of robbers(英语使用场景)
1、We were set upon by a band of robbers.
2、Tom Sawyer hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers.
a band of robbers(意思翻译)
a band of robbers(相似词语短语)
1、cops versus robbers───JingCha对强盗
3、a rock band───摇滚乐队
4、join a band───加入乐队
5、a band of───一帮;一伙;帮;一群;一个……的乐队
6、cops and robbers───JingCha与小偷
7、out of band───不同道信号传输,不同频道信号传输
8、take a band───带上乐队
9、armed robbers───武装劫匪
a band of robbers(双语使用场景)
1、We were set upon by a band of robbers.───一群强盗袭击了我们。
2、John was the chieftain of a band of robbers.───约翰是一伙强盗的头目。
3、They had not gone far before they saw a band of robbers pursuing them, for it was they who had dropped the bag.───他们还没走多远就看见一群强盗在追他们。因为是那群强盗丢了袋子。
4、a band of robbers, fugitives, revellers, etc───一帮强盗、逃亡者、寻欢作乐的人等。
5、Tom Sawyer hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers.───汤姆·索亚又把我找到了,说他要组织一个强盗帮。
6、They are a band of robbers.───他们是一伙强盗。
7、A band of robbers held up the train.───一群强盗QiangJie了火车。
a band of robbers(英语使用场景)
1、We were set upon by a band of robbers.
2、Tom Sawyer hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers.