1、The battle for peace which could , during 1935 , have been won, was now almost lost .───在1935年,有获胜希望的和平努力,到现在却几乎完全失败了。
2、Liberian women who fought the final battle for peace, who came, their number and conviction the only things greater than their diversity, to demonstrate for the end to our civil war.───利比里亚妇女,为和平进行最后的战斗,她们的人数和信念战胜内部的差异,她们终结了内战。
3、Books and copyright, as driving forces for the creativity of every people, play a prominent part in the battle for peace.───图书和版权,作为每一个人创造精神的驱动力,在力争和平的努力中也功绩卓绝。
4、He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me.───他救赎我命脱离攻击我的人,使我得享平安。因为与我相争的人甚多。
battle for peace(意思翻译)
battle for peace(相似词语短语)
1、pastors for peace───和平牧师
2、the peace───和平
4、astatic for peace───和平无定向
5、lasting peace───持久和平
7、battle net$───作战网$
8、volunteer for peace───和平志愿者
9、peace button───和平按钮
battle for peace(双语使用场景)
1、The battle for peace which could , during 1935 , have been won, was now almost lost .───在1935年,有获胜希望的和平努力,到现在却几乎完全失败了。
2、Liberian women who fought the final battle for peace, who came, their number and conviction the only things greater than their diversity, to demonstrate for the end to our civil war.───利比里亚妇女,为和平进行最后的战斗,她们的人数和信念战胜内部的差异,她们终结了内战。
3、Books and copyright, as driving forces for the creativity of every people, play a prominent part in the battle for peace.───图书和版权,作为每一个人创造精神的驱动力,在力争和平的努力中也功绩卓绝。
4、He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me.───他救赎我命脱离攻击我的人,使我得享平安。因为与我相争的人甚多。