1、Meanwhile, the effect of some factors, such as meteorological conditions, types of collector and the load profiles of hot water, on the performa…───同时还分析了不同气象条件、集热器类型和用水模式等条件下,蓄热水箱温度分层对太阳能热水XiTong性能提高程度的影响。
2、Study on Similarity of Load Profiles Following Disturbances Based on Data Mining───基于数据挖掘技术的负荷曲线对故障反应相似性的研究
3、Voltage sags have become a new focus of the study on power quality owing to significant changes of modern power systems and load profiles.───现代电网与负荷构成的变化使电压暂降问题成为热点。
4、profiles are calculated in such a way that, under normal load conditions, life-reducing edge stresses do not occur at a tilting angle of up to 4' between inner ring and outer ring (Table 5.2).───这种方式计算的轮廓,在正常的载荷情况下,内外圈之间的偏斜角度超过4'时不会发生缩减寿命的边缘应力(表5.2)。
load profiles(意思翻译)
load profiles(相似词语短语)
1、bacillary load───细菌负荷
3、load view───负载视图
4、load more───加载更多
5、load board───搭载基板
6、docker load───码头装卸工
7、course load───课程负担
8、user profiles───用户配置文件;用户资料;用户配置文件; 用户资料
9、love load───爱的负荷
load profiles(双语使用场景)
1、Meanwhile, the effect of some factors, such as meteorological conditions, types of collector and the load profiles of hot water, on the performa…───同时还分析了不同气象条件、集热器类型和用水模式等条件下,蓄热水箱温度分层对太阳能热水XiTong性能提高程度的影响。
2、Study on Similarity of Load Profiles Following Disturbances Based on Data Mining───基于数据挖掘技术的负荷曲线对故障反应相似性的研究
3、Voltage sags have become a new focus of the study on power quality owing to significant changes of modern power systems and load profiles.───现代电网与负荷构成的变化使电压暂降问题成为热点。
4、profiles are calculated in such a way that, under normal load conditions, life-reducing edge stresses do not occur at a tilting angle of up to 4' between inner ring and outer ring (Table 5.2).───这种方式计算的轮廓,在正常的载荷情况下,内外圈之间的偏斜角度超过4'时不会发生缩减寿命的边缘应力(表5.2)。