2、The number of males who reported that they had had at least one alcoholic drink less than one day per week during the last month was 120 .───报称在过去一个月内少过每星期有一日有饮最少一杯酒类饮品的男性人数是120。
3、If you consistently drink less than 8 cups of water a day, you may be sluggish all the time.───如果你长期以来每天喝的水都不足八杯,那么你很有可能总是感觉到疲惫不堪。
4、The children of parents who disapprove of underage drinking drink less when they're in college.───不同意未成年喝酒的孩子们的父母,他们在大学的时候是不太喝酒的。
5、Drink less milk tea which may contains high calorie , high oil and no nutrition at all. Eat less salt , sootiness and barbecue food .───少喝奶茶,因为高热量,高油、没有营养价值可言,长期饮用,还要减少食用盐腌,烟熏,烧烤的食物。
6、Fifth, drink less and avoid cigarettes. Alcohol does harms to sleep. Smoking stimulates the body as if you were taking a cold shower.───第五,少喝酒,别抽烟。酒精能使睡眠不好。抽烟的刺激作用就像用冷水洗澡一样。
7、If you really want to help me, all i can say is please drink less and smoke less. And, please remember to take your breakfast.───如果真的想给我好,想给我帮助,我只求你以后少抽烟,少喝酒,记得每天吃早餐。
8、He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.───有人劝他少抽烟、少喝啤酒。
9、Drink less cola and drink more water.───少喝可乐,多喝水。
drink less(英语使用场景)
1、Drink less, and go home by daylight.
2、They also drink less alcohol and use less marijuana and cocaine.
3、Southerners smoke less and drink less than those in other parts of the country.
4、He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.
5、Drink less alcohol. Cut out smoking.
6、You ought to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.
7、Decrease printing, drink less bottled water. Try our best for a green earth!
8、Statistics show that people now drink less beer than they used to, and smoke fewer cigarettes.
9、Make a conscious effort to drink less tea and coffee - about one or two cups per day.
drink less(意思翻译)
drink less(相似词语短语)
1、drink drink───喝饮料
2、materially less───实质上更少
3、less clogistics───不那么郁闷
4、less chips───更少的ChouMa
5、jie less───洁少
6、less and less───越来越少;越来越少的;越来越小[少]地
7、less steam───更少的蒸汽
drink less(双语使用场景)
1、You should drink less.───你应该少喝酒。
2、The number of males who reported that they had had at least one alcoholic drink less than one day per week during the last month was 120 .───报称在过去一个月内少过每星期有一日有饮最少一杯酒类饮品的男性人数是120。
3、If you consistently drink less than 8 cups of water a day, you may be sluggish all the time.───如果你长期以来每天喝的水都不足八杯,那么你很有可能总是感觉到疲惫不堪。
4、The children of parents who disapprove of underage drinking drink less when they're in college.───不同意未成年喝酒的孩子们的父母,他们在大学的时候是不太喝酒的。
5、Drink less milk tea which may contains high calorie , high oil and no nutrition at all. Eat less salt , sootiness and barbecue food .───少喝奶茶,因为高热量,高油、没有营养价值可言,长期饮用,还要减少食用盐腌,烟熏,烧烤的食物。
6、Fifth, drink less and avoid cigarettes. Alcohol does harms to sleep. Smoking stimulates the body as if you were taking a cold shower.───第五,少喝酒,别抽烟。酒精能使睡眠不好。抽烟的刺激作用就像用冷水洗澡一样。
7、If you really want to help me, all i can say is please drink less and smoke less. And, please remember to take your breakfast.───如果真的想给我好,想给我帮助,我只求你以后少抽烟,少喝酒,记得每天吃早餐。
8、He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.───有人劝他少抽烟、少喝啤酒。
9、Drink less cola and drink more water.───少喝可乐,多喝水。
drink less(英语使用场景)
1、Drink less, and go home by daylight.
2、They also drink less alcohol and use less marijuana and cocaine.
3、Southerners smoke less and drink less than those in other parts of the country.
4、He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.
5、Drink less alcohol. Cut out smoking.
6、You ought to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.
7、Decrease printing, drink less bottled water. Try our best for a green earth!
8、Statistics show that people now drink less beer than they used to, and smoke fewer cigarettes.
9、Make a conscious effort to drink less tea and coffee - about one or two cups per day.