1、Most business school deans and career directors are viewing the future with trepidation. "The devil's in the detail, " says Ms Sandford.───目前大多数商学院院长和就业服务主管都忐忑不安地关注着事态发展。“魔鬼藏在细节之中,”桑德福德说道。
2、Core 3: In 1879, Sandford Fleming first proposed the adoption of worldwide standardized time zones at the Royal Canadian Institute.───年,桑福德弗莱明在加拿大皇家学会首次提出采用全球标准化时区的建议。
3、Every week, Claire Sandford does battle with elementary Mandarin in between managing a bulging portfolio of clients in PwC's Beijing office.───每周,在管理着普华永道 (Pw C)北京办事处日益壮大的客户群的同时,克莱尔-桑福德 (Claire Sandford)还要费力学习入门级的普通话。
4、Ms Sandford, who is tall and fair-haired, is enough of a rarity in China to draw curious stares when she steps outside her office.───桑福德身材高挑,一头金发,在中国称得上罕见,当她走出办公室时,总会引来好奇的目光。
5、Sir Sandford Fleming College of Applied Arts and Technology───桑佛弗雷明爵士应用艺术与技术学院
6、In most cases, it's all kind of guesses because we don't have samples, says Scott Sandford, an astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center.───来自美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的天文物理学家斯科特·桑福德说:“在大多数情况下,因为没有标本样品,具体联系都是靠猜测得出的。”
7、It's a very rare type of meteorite, and it's a very oddball one even for that type, Sandford says.───桑福德说:“这是一种非常稀有的陨石,就算在其所在的陨石门类中也算是个异类。”
1、Sandford Mill, now in the heart of a greatly expanded Cheltenham, and converted to a house.
2、In most cases, it's all kind of guesses because we don't have samples, says Scott Sandford, an astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center.
3、Scott Sandford, a research astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center in California who has experience conducting spectroscopy in meteorites, disagrees.
4、The incident between Halsall and Sandford led to another after the match.
1、dilative sand───膨胀砂
2、batture sand───网砂
3、the hole in the sand───沙子上的洞
4、steak sandwich───牛排包
5、sand dune───n.[地理]沙丘;n.沙丘
6、sifting sand───筛砂
7、sandals antigua───安提瓜凉鞋
8、fruit sand───水果沙
9、thousands numbers───数千个数字
10、sixty thousand───六万
1、Most business school deans and career directors are viewing the future with trepidation. "The devil's in the detail, " says Ms Sandford.───目前大多数商学院院长和就业服务主管都忐忑不安地关注着事态发展。“魔鬼藏在细节之中,”桑德福德说道。
2、Core 3: In 1879, Sandford Fleming first proposed the adoption of worldwide standardized time zones at the Royal Canadian Institute.───年,桑福德弗莱明在加拿大皇家学会首次提出采用全球标准化时区的建议。
3、Every week, Claire Sandford does battle with elementary Mandarin in between managing a bulging portfolio of clients in PwC's Beijing office.───每周,在管理着普华永道 (Pw C)北京办事处日益壮大的客户群的同时,克莱尔-桑福德 (Claire Sandford)还要费力学习入门级的普通话。
4、Ms Sandford, who is tall and fair-haired, is enough of a rarity in China to draw curious stares when she steps outside her office.───桑福德身材高挑,一头金发,在中国称得上罕见,当她走出办公室时,总会引来好奇的目光。
5、Sir Sandford Fleming College of Applied Arts and Technology───桑佛弗雷明爵士应用艺术与技术学院
6、In most cases, it's all kind of guesses because we don't have samples, says Scott Sandford, an astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center.───来自美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的天文物理学家斯科特·桑福德说:“在大多数情况下,因为没有标本样品,具体联系都是靠猜测得出的。”
7、It's a very rare type of meteorite, and it's a very oddball one even for that type, Sandford says.───桑福德说:“这是一种非常稀有的陨石,就算在其所在的陨石门类中也算是个异类。”
1、Sandford Mill, now in the heart of a greatly expanded Cheltenham, and converted to a house.
2、In most cases, it's all kind of guesses because we don't have samples, says Scott Sandford, an astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center.
3、Scott Sandford, a research astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center in California who has experience conducting spectroscopy in meteorites, disagrees.
4、The incident between Halsall and Sandford led to another after the match.