patches of greenery(意思翻译)
patches of greenery(相似词语短语)
1、greenery leaves───绿叶
2、patches of lawn───成片的草坪
3、greenery rain───绿叶雨
4、shagreen patches───沙绿色斑块
5、patches of green───一片片绿色
8、patches of grass───一片片草地
9、patches of lv───lv斑块
patches of greenery(双语使用场景)
1、greenery patches in the center of residential district in a city is named center garden, which is an important casual and communication site for the residents.───城市居住小区的中心绿地,是小区居民日常休闲和交往的重要场所。
patches of greenery(意思翻译)
patches of greenery(相似词语短语)
1、greenery leaves───绿叶
2、patches of lawn───成片的草坪
3、greenery rain───绿叶雨
4、shagreen patches───沙绿色斑块
5、patches of green───一片片绿色
8、patches of grass───一片片草地
9、patches of lv───lv斑块
patches of greenery(双语使用场景)
1、greenery patches in the center of residential district in a city is named center garden, which is an important casual and communication site for the residents.───城市居住小区的中心绿地,是小区居民日常休闲和交往的重要场所。