1、Jidong curators responsible for the pre-market companies and Kuguan responsible for sale this point the two are different.───冀东公司保管员负责售前而库管员负责售后这一点两者也是不同的。
2、Without notifying Karp, curators have been planning to sell more than a third of the remaining collection through a Harlem salvage dealer.───管理者没有知会卡普,他们计划从哈勒姆区找个旧货商来卖掉至少三分之一剩下的收藏。
3、Storytellers are simply curators of information who finesse the elements of a yarn into a beginning, middle and end.───说故事的人只不过是信息的调度者,他将故事元素合理安排为开头、中间和结尾。
4、The curators have limited the wall text to Klein's own observations.───策展人把墙上的文字限定于克莱因自己的观察所得。
5、He said the earliest the curators could present their deaccession plan to the museum's collections committee was sometime this spring.───他说最早负责人将在今年春季的某个时候把他们的馆藏ChuShou方案提交给博物馆收藏品委员会。
6、Washing, brushing and varnishing fossils—all standard conservation treatments used by many fossil hunters and museum curators alike—vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA.───化石清洗、刷洗和涂清漆——所有这些许多化石猎人和博物馆馆长都采用的标准保护措施——极大地降低了恢复古代 DNA 的机会。
7、For a long time, scientists and curators have wondered how da Vinci created shadows on her face with seemingly no brushstrokes or contours.───长期以来,科学家和博物馆馆长们一直想搞清楚一个问题,那就是达芬奇是如何在几乎不使用笔触或轮廓线的情况下,在蒙娜丽莎的脸上创造出阴影的。
8、Then, it was up to art critics and curators to decide, even though these people never painted in their entire life.───后来是批评家策展人决定,尽管丫一辈子没画过画;
9、Like all good critics and curators, Szarkowski was both visionary and catalyst.───像所有优良的批评家与策展人,既有创见又能促成改变。
1、The successful candidates work as guest curators at the Tate Gallery and prepare an exhibition and publication based on their research.
2、The Curators, with no other concerns in the matter, were truly speaking in the best interests of the children.
3、The zoo curators at the conference had news that was almost as bleak.
4、Curators feel that much harm has been done by the museum's failure to articulate two indisputable facts.
5、Museum curators know this because whale bones stashed on archival shelves will weep lipids for decades.
6、I requested that Mr Brezzo bring curators to our meetings to discuss responsibility for protecting our valuable paintings.
7、The Louvre curators certainly had arguments in their favour.
8、Around 5,000 art historians, museum curators, critics and other visual arts professionals are expected to attend.
9、Many of the museum's curators are still reeling from the shock.
1、curative properties───治疗性能
2、cirrose tem cura───蔓藤
3、curage ganglionnaire sentinelle───前哨淋巴结治疗
4、incurable wanderer───不治之症
5、curatrix of the interdict───阻截剂库拉特里克
6、curacao credit───库拉索信贷
7、curative intent───治疗意图;治疗目的
8、circumscribed accuracy───限定精度
9、procurator felix───费利克斯检察官
10、curassow bird───库拉索鸟
1、Jidong curators responsible for the pre-market companies and Kuguan responsible for sale this point the two are different.───冀东公司保管员负责售前而库管员负责售后这一点两者也是不同的。
2、Without notifying Karp, curators have been planning to sell more than a third of the remaining collection through a Harlem salvage dealer.───管理者没有知会卡普,他们计划从哈勒姆区找个旧货商来卖掉至少三分之一剩下的收藏。
3、Storytellers are simply curators of information who finesse the elements of a yarn into a beginning, middle and end.───说故事的人只不过是信息的调度者,他将故事元素合理安排为开头、中间和结尾。
4、The curators have limited the wall text to Klein's own observations.───策展人把墙上的文字限定于克莱因自己的观察所得。
5、He said the earliest the curators could present their deaccession plan to the museum's collections committee was sometime this spring.───他说最早负责人将在今年春季的某个时候把他们的馆藏ChuShou方案提交给博物馆收藏品委员会。
6、Washing, brushing and varnishing fossils—all standard conservation treatments used by many fossil hunters and museum curators alike—vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA.───化石清洗、刷洗和涂清漆——所有这些许多化石猎人和博物馆馆长都采用的标准保护措施——极大地降低了恢复古代 DNA 的机会。
7、For a long time, scientists and curators have wondered how da Vinci created shadows on her face with seemingly no brushstrokes or contours.───长期以来,科学家和博物馆馆长们一直想搞清楚一个问题,那就是达芬奇是如何在几乎不使用笔触或轮廓线的情况下,在蒙娜丽莎的脸上创造出阴影的。
8、Then, it was up to art critics and curators to decide, even though these people never painted in their entire life.───后来是批评家策展人决定,尽管丫一辈子没画过画;
9、Like all good critics and curators, Szarkowski was both visionary and catalyst.───像所有优良的批评家与策展人,既有创见又能促成改变。
1、The successful candidates work as guest curators at the Tate Gallery and prepare an exhibition and publication based on their research.
2、The Curators, with no other concerns in the matter, were truly speaking in the best interests of the children.
3、The zoo curators at the conference had news that was almost as bleak.
4、Curators feel that much harm has been done by the museum's failure to articulate two indisputable facts.
5、Museum curators know this because whale bones stashed on archival shelves will weep lipids for decades.
6、I requested that Mr Brezzo bring curators to our meetings to discuss responsibility for protecting our valuable paintings.
7、The Louvre curators certainly had arguments in their favour.
8、Around 5,000 art historians, museum curators, critics and other visual arts professionals are expected to attend.
9、Many of the museum's curators are still reeling from the shock.