1、It wasn't until 1615 -- and the study of the heart by England's royal-court physician William Harvey -- that a connection was made between the heart and the circulation of blood.───对心脏的了解是从某个事件开始的。 直到1615年,英格兰皇家物理学家威廉.哈维的研究首次证实了心脏和血液循环是有关系的.
2、In seventeenth century English physician William Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood.───17世纪时英国医生威廉·哈维发现了血液循环。
3、It was left for William Harvey, who had studied under Italian physicians at Padua, to complete the discovery.───这部分留给了威廉·哈维,哈维在帕多瓦的意大利内科医生们门下学习研究,以完成这个发现。
william harvey(意思翻译)
william harvey(相似词语短语)
1、william chan───[人名]陈伟霆
2、william tell───n.威廉泰尔 (Tell William)
3、father william───威廉爸爸
5、hello william───你好,威廉
6、harvey nicholls───哈维尼科尔斯
7、william mckinley───威廉·麦金利(前美国总统)
8、william blake───威廉·布雷克(英国诗人和画家);威廉·布莱克
9、william wallace───威廉华莱士
william harvey(双语使用场景)
1、It wasn't until 1615 -- and the study of the heart by England's royal-court physician William Harvey -- that a connection was made between the heart and the circulation of blood.───对心脏的了解是从某个事件开始的。 直到1615年,英格兰皇家物理学家威廉.哈维的研究首次证实了心脏和血液循环是有关系的.
2、In seventeenth century English physician William Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood.───17世纪时英国医生威廉·哈维发现了血液循环。
3、It was left for William Harvey, who had studied under Italian physicians at Padua, to complete the discovery.───这部分留给了威廉·哈维,哈维在帕多瓦的意大利内科医生们门下学习研究,以完成这个发现。