1、As some prices rise, though, a tide of free and cheap product is flooding the market.───随着价格的上升,一批免费便宜的产品就将涌入市场。
2、Flooding the market with free goods could bankrupt people who already sell them.───免费货物涌入市场,则很可能会让当地一ZhiXiao售这些商品的商家破产。
3、Editor's note: the MODIS image taken on March 13, after this image was published, provides a cloud-free view of the tsunami flooding in northeastern Japan.───编者按:在这幅图像发表后,拍摄于3月13日的MODIS图像提供了一副无云状态下日本东北部海啸洪灾的图片。
4、On Subject in Lawsuit of Compensation for Pollution in Sea and Free Flooding Water Area───提起海洋和通海水域污染损害赔偿诉讼主体的几个层面
free flooding(意思翻译)
free flooding(相似词语短语)
1、major flooding───大洪水
2、from flooding───从洪水中
3、flooding in belize───伯利兹洪水
4、mississippi flooding───密西西比洪水
6、flooding toilet───抽水马桶
7、flooding back───洪水倒灌
8、flooding into───涌入
9、flash flooding───山洪暴发;暴涨的洪水
free flooding(双语使用场景)
1、As some prices rise, though, a tide of free and cheap product is flooding the market.───随着价格的上升,一批免费便宜的产品就将涌入市场。
2、Flooding the market with free goods could bankrupt people who already sell them.───免费货物涌入市场,则很可能会让当地一ZhiXiao售这些商品的商家破产。
3、Editor's note: the MODIS image taken on March 13, after this image was published, provides a cloud-free view of the tsunami flooding in northeastern Japan.───编者按:在这幅图像发表后,拍摄于3月13日的MODIS图像提供了一副无云状态下日本东北部海啸洪灾的图片。
4、On Subject in Lawsuit of Compensation for Pollution in Sea and Free Flooding Water Area───提起海洋和通海水域污染损害赔偿诉讼主体的几个层面