1、Two types, or isotopes, of hydrogen are used - deuterium and tritium.───它使用两种类型,或称同位素,的氢——氘和氚。
2、A tritium atom has two extra neutrons.───氚原子多了两个中子。
3、These information is based on my own practices and research on tritium and I feel sorry that I cannot write Chinese.───这些信息是来源于我自己的一些在氚方面的工作和研究,此外为无法输入中文表示歉意。
4、ICF target is one of the key components of ICF facilities, the micro capsula for deuterium-tritium fuel is the core of ICF target.───ICF靶是ICF研究中的关键部件之一,而微靶球作为氘-氚燃料密封舱,是ICF靶的核心部分。
5、For a fusion plant to generate its own tritium, it has to borrow some of the neutrons that would otherwise be used for energy.───对聚变反应核电站来说,要想产生它所需的氚,它必须利用部分高能中子。
6、Tritium emits a weak form of radiation that does not travel very far in the air and cannot penetrate the skin.───氚会产生微弱的放射,但空气中的放射距离并不远,也不会穿透皮肤。
7、The best fuels for fusion are two types, or isotopes, of hydrogen - deuterium and tritium.───最好的核聚变材料有两种,即氢的同位素——氘和氚。
8、In this paper, the tritium external standard calibration method was used for the correction of quenching effect.───淬灭校正的方法有很多,外标准校ZhengFa是一种比较可靠的方法。
9、In comparison with tritium, CFC seems to be a better tool which possesses more advantages for young groundwater dating at present.───与氚相比,CFC是目前年轻地下水测年更好的工具,具有更多的优越性。
1、cicatrization cornea───角膜瘢痕化
2、astrit hado───哈多提取物
3、nostril cycle───鼻孔周期
4、astringent herbs───收敛的草药
5、bordered hessian matrix───有界黑森矩阵
6、trip switch───[电]跳闸开关,跳脱开关;转辙器,拨叉
7、aerometric anchorage───气压锚具
8、tristram shandy───项狄传(书名)
9、corded electric chainsaw───绳索电锯
10、centrosome vs centriole───中心体与中心粒
1、Two types, or isotopes, of hydrogen are used - deuterium and tritium.───它使用两种类型,或称同位素,的氢——氘和氚。
2、A tritium atom has two extra neutrons.───氚原子多了两个中子。
3、These information is based on my own practices and research on tritium and I feel sorry that I cannot write Chinese.───这些信息是来源于我自己的一些在氚方面的工作和研究,此外为无法输入中文表示歉意。
4、ICF target is one of the key components of ICF facilities, the micro capsula for deuterium-tritium fuel is the core of ICF target.───ICF靶是ICF研究中的关键部件之一,而微靶球作为氘-氚燃料密封舱,是ICF靶的核心部分。
5、For a fusion plant to generate its own tritium, it has to borrow some of the neutrons that would otherwise be used for energy.───对聚变反应核电站来说,要想产生它所需的氚,它必须利用部分高能中子。
6、Tritium emits a weak form of radiation that does not travel very far in the air and cannot penetrate the skin.───氚会产生微弱的放射,但空气中的放射距离并不远,也不会穿透皮肤。
7、The best fuels for fusion are two types, or isotopes, of hydrogen - deuterium and tritium.───最好的核聚变材料有两种,即氢的同位素——氘和氚。
8、In this paper, the tritium external standard calibration method was used for the correction of quenching effect.───淬灭校正的方法有很多,外标准校ZhengFa是一种比较可靠的方法。
9、In comparison with tritium, CFC seems to be a better tool which possesses more advantages for young groundwater dating at present.───与氚相比,CFC是目前年轻地下水测年更好的工具,具有更多的优越性。