1、27 EU members have harmonised their stance on this for once.───欧盟的二十七个成员国已经达成过一次共识了)。
2、Eventually, he says, he would like to sell most of UniCredit's loans, once European securitisation markets are harmonised .───所以他最终提到,一旦欧洲证券化市场统一,他愿意售出大部分的联合信贷贷款。
3、standards in form of harmonised European Standards.───标准的形式使欧洲的标准。
4、Harmonised system of quality assessment for electronic components. Sectional specification. Fixed precision resistors.───电子件.CENELEC质量保证体系精密固定电阻.过渡规范
5、quickly and accurately identify harmonised tariff codes for your products . landed cost.───迅速准确地为您的产品找到协调关税代码。
6、The agreement says that in future harmonised chargers will improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.───协议称将来的统一充电器会提高能源利用的效率并降低能耗。
7、No, the only single product that requires you to identify a harmonised code for each component is a watch.───不用,只有手表需要您为每个零件分别确定协调号码。
8、Quickly and accurately identify harmonised tariff codes for your products.───迅速准确地为您的产品找到协调关税代码。
9、case of a harmonised monograph, is it possible to use a reference standard from a different pharmacopoeia?───如果各论是协调过的,是否有可能使用不同药典的对照标准?
1、It is also vital to maintain an internationally harmonised approach.
2、Quickly and accurately identify harmonised tariff codes for your products.
3、We think film subsidy programmes should be harmonised with public health goals by making films with tobacco imagery ineligible for public subsidies(sentencedict.com), Millett said.
4、All outward objects harmonised with her despair.
5、The body is harmonised and healed.
6、The Working Group will produce specifications for a harmonised EU-wide communication system for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication.
7、The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
8、The agreement says that in future harmonised chargers will improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
9、Just as manual catalogues are not harmonised retrospectively, so electronic versions are unlikely ever to be.
1、harmoniously definition───和谐定义
2、disharmony mlp───不和谐mlp
4、harmonize synonym───协调同义词
5、harmoniously raised───和谐地提高
6、harmonic distortion───[电子]谐波失真;谐波畸变[失真]; 非曲线畸变
7、inharmonious means───不和谐手段
8、worth it fifth harmony───值得的第五和声
9、inharmonious relationships───不和谐的关系
10、harmonic progression───调和级数[数列];[数]调和级数
1、27 EU members have harmonised their stance on this for once.───欧盟的二十七个成员国已经达成过一次共识了)。
2、Eventually, he says, he would like to sell most of UniCredit's loans, once European securitisation markets are harmonised .───所以他最终提到,一旦欧洲证券化市场统一,他愿意售出大部分的联合信贷贷款。
3、standards in form of harmonised European Standards.───标准的形式使欧洲的标准。
4、Harmonised system of quality assessment for electronic components. Sectional specification. Fixed precision resistors.───电子件.CENELEC质量保证体系精密固定电阻.过渡规范
5、quickly and accurately identify harmonised tariff codes for your products . landed cost.───迅速准确地为您的产品找到协调关税代码。
6、The agreement says that in future harmonised chargers will improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.───协议称将来的统一充电器会提高能源利用的效率并降低能耗。
7、No, the only single product that requires you to identify a harmonised code for each component is a watch.───不用,只有手表需要您为每个零件分别确定协调号码。
8、Quickly and accurately identify harmonised tariff codes for your products.───迅速准确地为您的产品找到协调关税代码。
9、case of a harmonised monograph, is it possible to use a reference standard from a different pharmacopoeia?───如果各论是协调过的,是否有可能使用不同药典的对照标准?
1、It is also vital to maintain an internationally harmonised approach.
2、Quickly and accurately identify harmonised tariff codes for your products.
3、We think film subsidy programmes should be harmonised with public health goals by making films with tobacco imagery ineligible for public subsidies(sentencedict.com), Millett said.
4、All outward objects harmonised with her despair.
5、The body is harmonised and healed.
6、The Working Group will produce specifications for a harmonised EU-wide communication system for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication.
7、The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
8、The agreement says that in future harmonised chargers will improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
9、Just as manual catalogues are not harmonised retrospectively, so electronic versions are unlikely ever to be.