1、controversial filmmaker is seriously considering turning the devastating storm and its aftermath into a documentary.───颇具争议的导演正在“认真考虑”将这次毁灭性的飓风及其后续事件拍摄成一部纪录片。
2、It's no wonder that the industry's perils have given rise to a popular documentary TV series, Deadliest Catch, and a best-selling book and hit Hollywood film, the Perfect Storm.───毫无疑问正是这种行业的危险促使了电视记录片“致命瞬间”以及畅销书、好莱坞DaPian“完美风暴”的流行。
documentary storm(意思翻译)
documentary storm(相似词语短语)
1、blackfish documentary───黑鱼纪录片
2、detestable documentary───可憎的纪录片
3、storm───n.暴风雨; 浪潮; 轰鸣;n.暴风雨;大动荡;v.突袭; 怒吼;vi.起风暴;横冲直撞;狂怒咆哮;n.(Storm)人名;(瑞典)斯托姆;(德)施托姆;(英、西、芬)斯托姆;vt.猛攻;怒骂
4、seduced documentary───诱惑纪录片
5、storm tamps───风暴夯
6、documentary reality───纪实
8、egyptology documentary───埃及学纪录片
9、documentary mania───纪录片狂热
documentary storm(双语使用场景)
1、controversial filmmaker is seriously considering turning the devastating storm and its aftermath into a documentary.───颇具争议的导演正在“认真考虑”将这次毁灭性的飓风及其后续事件拍摄成一部纪录片。
2、It's no wonder that the industry's perils have given rise to a popular documentary TV series, Deadliest Catch, and a best-selling book and hit Hollywood film, the Perfect Storm.───毫无疑问正是这种行业的危险促使了电视记录片“致命瞬间”以及畅销书、好莱坞DaPian“完美风暴”的流行。