1、Personnel that engage in the rescue of acute occupational poisoning accidents and other personnel that are poisoned in any accident.───参加急性职业中毒事故抢救的人员,或因事故发生中毒的其他人员。
2、Skin stimulating response was the majority harm for occupational poisoning patients.───中毒为主,职业性中毒多为皮肤刺激性反应。
3、To seal up and keep substances that have caused or are likely to cause occupational poisoning accidents; and;───封存造成职业中毒事故或者可能导致事故发生的物品;
4、Emergency and first-aid pre-scheme against occupational poisoning accidents.───职业中毒事故应急救援预案。
5、trend of the characteristics of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents is centralized in the high risk industries, poisons and jobs.───重大急性职业中毒事故的发生在高危行业、重点毒物和主要岗位有明显的集中趋势;
6、All these issues effected the work of emergency response for unexpected occupational poisoning accident.───为在突发事件发生时能快速响应,企业必须做好应急物资准备工作。
7、Emergency materials preparedness is the key factor of success emergency response for unexpected occupational poisoning accident.───应急物资准备是突发职业中毒事故应急救援成功的关键因素。
8、When finding potential occupational poisoning accidents, they shall make reports in time.───发现职业中毒事故隐患时,应当及时报告。
9、Occupational poisoning cases were majorly caused by toxic chemical gases, such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide.───职业中毒事件主要由硫化氢、一氧化碳等有毒化学气体造成。
occupational poisoning(意思翻译)
occupational poisoning(相似词语短语)
1、occupational disease───职业病
2、occupational therapy───n.职业治疗法;[临床]职业疗法
3、ergot poisoning───麦角中毒
4、borax poisoning───硼砂中毒
5、occupational therapist───职业疗法专家;职能治疗师
6、occupational health───职业保健,职业卫生
8、alsike poisoning───阿尔塞克中毒
9、alcohol poisoning───醇类中毒
occupational poisoning(双语使用场景)
1、Personnel that engage in the rescue of acute occupational poisoning accidents and other personnel that are poisoned in any accident.───参加急性职业中毒事故抢救的人员,或因事故发生中毒的其他人员。
2、Skin stimulating response was the majority harm for occupational poisoning patients.───中毒为主,职业性中毒多为皮肤刺激性反应。
3、To seal up and keep substances that have caused or are likely to cause occupational poisoning accidents; and;───封存造成职业中毒事故或者可能导致事故发生的物品;
4、Emergency and first-aid pre-scheme against occupational poisoning accidents.───职业中毒事故应急救援预案。
5、trend of the characteristics of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents is centralized in the high risk industries, poisons and jobs.───重大急性职业中毒事故的发生在高危行业、重点毒物和主要岗位有明显的集中趋势;
6、All these issues effected the work of emergency response for unexpected occupational poisoning accident.───为在突发事件发生时能快速响应,企业必须做好应急物资准备工作。
7、Emergency materials preparedness is the key factor of success emergency response for unexpected occupational poisoning accident.───应急物资准备是突发职业中毒事故应急救援成功的关键因素。
8、When finding potential occupational poisoning accidents, they shall make reports in time.───发现职业中毒事故隐患时,应当及时报告。
9、Occupational poisoning cases were majorly caused by toxic chemical gases, such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide.───职业中毒事件主要由硫化氢、一氧化碳等有毒化学气体造成。