1、AG slid 3.6 percent to 51.39 euros after Deutsche Bank AG downgraded Germany’s second-largest steelmaker to “hold” from “buy.”───德国第二大钢铁生产商萨尔茨吉特公司 (Salzgitter)股价下滑3.6%,至51.39欧元,此前德意志银行把萨尔茨吉特公司股票评级从买入下调为持有。
2、Deutsche bank ag Chief Executive Officer Josef Ackermann said investors' mistrust of Spain was unjustified and problems in the banking industry are manageable.───德意志银行首席执行官约瑟夫·阿克曼(Josef Ackermann)表示,投资者对西班牙信贷违约的疑虑没有得到证实,银行业目前的问题能够得到控制。
3、You may not establish a hyperlink to any page of the X-markets Website without the prior written consent of Deutsche Bank AG.───在未得德意志银行事先书面同意之前,任何人均不得设立超连结至X-markets网站之任何网页。
4、Alstom SA gained 3.1 percent to 31.90 euros as Deutsche Bank AG raised its recommendation on the world’s third-largest power-equipment maker to “buy.”───全球第三大电气机车制造商法国阿尔斯通公司 (Alstom)股价上涨3.1%,至31.90欧元,德意志银行把该公司股票评级上调为买入。
5、Deutsche Bank AG, Germany's largest bank by assets, said over the weekend that it won't tap the bailout package.───德国资产规模最大的德意志银行 (Deutsche Bank Ag)周末称,它不会依靠救助计划。
6、The Deutsche Bank AG trader's early embrace and mastery of credit-default swaps helped catapult him to managing director at the age of 27.───魏因斯坦起初是德意志银行 (Deutsche Bank A G)的交易员,早年便精于信用违约掉期(credit-defaultswap)Cao作,27岁荣升董事总经理。
7、Deutsche Bank AG reserves the right to modify or amend these terms and conditions at any time.───德意志银行保留权利,随时修改或更改此等条款及细则。
8、The two banks agreed to merge last summer in a bid to create a more powerful rival to Deutsche Bank AG.───两家银行于去年夏天同意合并,意在组建一个实力更强的实体与德意志银行 (Deutsche Bank A G)展开竞争。
9、Deutsche Bank AG and Banco Santander SA led financial shares lower as German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government rattled investors.───默克尔的这一政府管指令使得投资者不安,以意志银行和桑坦德银行为首的金融股走低。
deutsche bank ag(英语使用场景)
1、Deutsche Bank AG advised Primus Financial on the acquisition. Blackstone Group LP and Morgan Stanley advised AIG on the sale.
2、Deutsche Bank AG advised Primus Financial on the acquisition.
3、More than half of the German banks' loan exposures are concentrated in the country's two biggest lenders, Deutsche Bank AG (DB, DBK.XE) and Commerzbank AG (CBK.XE, CRZBY).
deutsche bank ag(意思翻译)
deutsche bank ag(相似词语短语)
1、deutsche bank───德意志银行公司总部所在地:德国主要业务:银行;n.德意志银行(公司名,财富500强公司之一,总部所在地德国,主要经营银行)
2、ag───abbr.股份公司 (Aktien Gesellschaft);副官长(adjutantgeneral);总检察长(attorneygeneral);空气间隙 (Air Gap)
3、ul ag───ul公司
4、contrinex ag───股份公司
5、capstan ag───绞盘股份公司
6、ductor ag───管道
7、pandion ag───潘迪翁股份公司
8、s ag───n.(虚弱或重压引起的)下弯,下垂;下垂度;(尤指暂时的)下降,萧条;v.(尤指由于承重或受压)中间下垂,下凹;减弱;(身体某部位)松弛;萎靡;衰退,下跌
9、rile ag───高的
deutsche bank ag(双语使用场景)
1、AG slid 3.6 percent to 51.39 euros after Deutsche Bank AG downgraded Germany’s second-largest steelmaker to “hold” from “buy.”───德国第二大钢铁生产商萨尔茨吉特公司 (Salzgitter)股价下滑3.6%,至51.39欧元,此前德意志银行把萨尔茨吉特公司股票评级从买入下调为持有。
2、Deutsche bank ag Chief Executive Officer Josef Ackermann said investors' mistrust of Spain was unjustified and problems in the banking industry are manageable.───德意志银行首席执行官约瑟夫·阿克曼(Josef Ackermann)表示,投资者对西班牙信贷违约的疑虑没有得到证实,银行业目前的问题能够得到控制。
3、You may not establish a hyperlink to any page of the X-markets Website without the prior written consent of Deutsche Bank AG.───在未得德意志银行事先书面同意之前,任何人均不得设立超连结至X-markets网站之任何网页。
4、Alstom SA gained 3.1 percent to 31.90 euros as Deutsche Bank AG raised its recommendation on the world’s third-largest power-equipment maker to “buy.”───全球第三大电气机车制造商法国阿尔斯通公司 (Alstom)股价上涨3.1%,至31.90欧元,德意志银行把该公司股票评级上调为买入。
5、Deutsche Bank AG, Germany's largest bank by assets, said over the weekend that it won't tap the bailout package.───德国资产规模最大的德意志银行 (Deutsche Bank Ag)周末称,它不会依靠救助计划。
6、The Deutsche Bank AG trader's early embrace and mastery of credit-default swaps helped catapult him to managing director at the age of 27.───魏因斯坦起初是德意志银行 (Deutsche Bank A G)的交易员,早年便精于信用违约掉期(credit-defaultswap)Cao作,27岁荣升董事总经理。
7、Deutsche Bank AG reserves the right to modify or amend these terms and conditions at any time.───德意志银行保留权利,随时修改或更改此等条款及细则。
8、The two banks agreed to merge last summer in a bid to create a more powerful rival to Deutsche Bank AG.───两家银行于去年夏天同意合并,意在组建一个实力更强的实体与德意志银行 (Deutsche Bank A G)展开竞争。
9、Deutsche Bank AG and Banco Santander SA led financial shares lower as German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government rattled investors.───默克尔的这一政府管指令使得投资者不安,以意志银行和桑坦德银行为首的金融股走低。
deutsche bank ag(英语使用场景)
1、Deutsche Bank AG advised Primus Financial on the acquisition. Blackstone Group LP and Morgan Stanley advised AIG on the sale.
2、Deutsche Bank AG advised Primus Financial on the acquisition.
3、More than half of the German banks' loan exposures are concentrated in the country's two biggest lenders, Deutsche Bank AG (DB, DBK.XE) and Commerzbank AG (CBK.XE, CRZBY).