1、That way, when I rotate the shape, the rotation occurs from the center of the line.───这样,当我在旋转图形时,直线的中心将发生旋转。
2、Then rotate the screw up so the rotation line lines up with the pipe you created in the previous step.───然后旋转螺钉,旋转线和你在上文中做出的线一致。
3、Across nations, men score higher than women on tests of mental rotation and the ability to judge line angles, whereas women score higher than men on tests of object location memory and word fluency.───不同国家的男性表现出在心理旋转和判断角度方面的测试中,强于女性的能力。
rotation line(意思翻译)
rotation line(相似词语短语)
1、rotation axis───旋转轴,转轴;[晶体]旋转轴
2、rotation rules───轮换规则
3、optical rotation───旋光度,旋光性,(光学的)偏振转;[光]旋光度;[光]旋光性;偏振转
4、medial rotation───旋内
5、rotation symmetry───旋转对称
6、rotation angle───[机]旋转角;旋转角度;回转角度
8、rotation definition───旋转定义
9、job rotation───工作轮换方法; 岗位轮换
rotation line(双语使用场景)
1、That way, when I rotate the shape, the rotation occurs from the center of the line.───这样,当我在旋转图形时,直线的中心将发生旋转。
2、Then rotate the screw up so the rotation line lines up with the pipe you created in the previous step.───然后旋转螺钉,旋转线和你在上文中做出的线一致。
3、Across nations, men score higher than women on tests of mental rotation and the ability to judge line angles, whereas women score higher than men on tests of object location memory and word fluency.───不同国家的男性表现出在心理旋转和判断角度方面的测试中,强于女性的能力。