1、XX makes its orientation on "Neo-ages" , so they invite some most popular stars among young people to present the ad.───XX给自己的定位是“新时代XX”,所以他们会请一些当代年轻人最爱的明星来代言广告。
2、He is one of the most popular stars in the world.───他是世界上最受欢迎的明星之一。
3、Peter Ho is one of the most popular stars in China and has achieved great success in both acting and singing.───何润东是中国最受欢迎的明星之一,在演艺与歌唱领域均取得了不俗的成绩。
4、It is no doubt that the Popular Stars will attract more attention and help the product to open new market and expand the market share.───不可置疑,明星会吸引更多公众注意力,帮助产品打开新的市场,扩大市场份额。
5、Zhou is one of the most popular stars in China.───周华健是中国流行歌坛最受欢迎的歌手之一。
6、She is one of the most popular stars.───她是最受欢迎的明星之一。
7、's personal experiences and the battles he waged during his transition from a poor kid to one of the world's most popular stars.───这两个角色反映了史泰龙从一名贫穷的后生到一名最受欢迎的世界影星的个人经历与奋斗历程。
8、American leading actor Tom Hanks has become one of the most popular stars in contemporary American cinema.───美国首席男演员汤姆汉克斯已经成为当今美国电影界最受欢迎的明星之一。
9、Actually, if there were no World Cup predictions, Paul would still be one of the most popular stars of Oberhausen.───其实,即便没有世界杯竞猜,聪明的保罗也一直是奥博豪森水族馆的明星动物之一。
popular stars(意思翻译)
popular stars(相似词语短语)
1、popular with───在…中有声望[受好评];受…欢迎;有好评
2、popular creator───大众创作者
3、get popular───流行起来;变得受欢迎
4、popular mechanics───大众机械(杂志名)
7、popular singer───流行歌曲歌手
8、popular for───受欢迎的
9、extremely popular───红得发紫;极受欢迎
popular stars(双语使用场景)
1、XX makes its orientation on "Neo-ages" , so they invite some most popular stars among young people to present the ad.───XX给自己的定位是“新时代XX”,所以他们会请一些当代年轻人最爱的明星来代言广告。
2、He is one of the most popular stars in the world.───他是世界上最受欢迎的明星之一。
3、Peter Ho is one of the most popular stars in China and has achieved great success in both acting and singing.───何润东是中国最受欢迎的明星之一,在演艺与歌唱领域均取得了不俗的成绩。
4、It is no doubt that the Popular Stars will attract more attention and help the product to open new market and expand the market share.───不可置疑,明星会吸引更多公众注意力,帮助产品打开新的市场,扩大市场份额。
5、Zhou is one of the most popular stars in China.───周华健是中国流行歌坛最受欢迎的歌手之一。
6、She is one of the most popular stars.───她是最受欢迎的明星之一。
7、's personal experiences and the battles he waged during his transition from a poor kid to one of the world's most popular stars.───这两个角色反映了史泰龙从一名贫穷的后生到一名最受欢迎的世界影星的个人经历与奋斗历程。
8、American leading actor Tom Hanks has become one of the most popular stars in contemporary American cinema.───美国首席男演员汤姆汉克斯已经成为当今美国电影界最受欢迎的明星之一。
9、Actually, if there were no World Cup predictions, Paul would still be one of the most popular stars of Oberhausen.───其实,即便没有世界杯竞猜,聪明的保罗也一直是奥博豪森水族馆的明星动物之一。