1、The use of filter with source-load coupling can reduce filter order and insertion loss and improve skirt selectivity.───源-负载耦合滤波器以能够产生多个传输零点而减小了滤波器的阶数、带内插损和改善了选择性。
2、This paper uses a new filter order, and fully uses the relativity of blocks.───本文采用了新的滤波顺序,充分利用了块与块之间的相关性;
3、This XML defines the filter location as well as the filter order.───此xml用于定义筛选器的位置和筛选器顺序。
4、However, since the memory requirement of DA-based implementation increases exponentially with the length of filter order.───但是,基于分布式算法实现的查找表规模随着滤波器阶数增长呈指数型增长。
5、By analysing the actual room acoustic environments, this paper presents a novel algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation, it can dynamically change the length of the adaptive filter order.───通过对回声抵消的实际应用环境进行分析,提出一种新的动态改变自适应滤波器阶数的算法。
6、This xml defines the filter location as well as the filter order.───此xml用于定义筛选器的位置和筛选器顺序。
7、relation between average alias attenuation and filter order and sampling rate is derived from calculation.───计算导出了平均假频衰减与滤波器阶次及采样率的关系式。
8、Study on least-square adaptive filter order tracking in rotating machinery───最小二乘自适应滤波旋转机械阶比跟踪研究
filter order(意思翻译)
filter order(相似词语短语)
1、notch filter───陷波滤波器,频率特性曲线下凹的滤波器,阶式滤波器;[电子]陷波滤波器;凹口滤波器;阶式滤波器
2、affective filter───情感过滤
3、filter coffee───过滤式咖啡
5、filter mask───[医]过滤器面具,过滤式防毒面具
6、filter───n. (Filter)(德)菲尔特(人名);v.过滤;渗透;用过滤法除去;慢慢传开;缓行;仅可左转行驶;n.过滤器;滤波器;筛选程序;分流指示灯
7、centrifugal filter───[矿业][化工]离心过滤器
8、cabin filter───座舱过滤器
9、texture filter───纹理过滤器
filter order(双语使用场景)
1、The use of filter with source-load coupling can reduce filter order and insertion loss and improve skirt selectivity.───源-负载耦合滤波器以能够产生多个传输零点而减小了滤波器的阶数、带内插损和改善了选择性。
2、This paper uses a new filter order, and fully uses the relativity of blocks.───本文采用了新的滤波顺序,充分利用了块与块之间的相关性;
3、This XML defines the filter location as well as the filter order.───此xml用于定义筛选器的位置和筛选器顺序。
4、However, since the memory requirement of DA-based implementation increases exponentially with the length of filter order.───但是,基于分布式算法实现的查找表规模随着滤波器阶数增长呈指数型增长。
5、By analysing the actual room acoustic environments, this paper presents a novel algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation, it can dynamically change the length of the adaptive filter order.───通过对回声抵消的实际应用环境进行分析,提出一种新的动态改变自适应滤波器阶数的算法。
6、This xml defines the filter location as well as the filter order.───此xml用于定义筛选器的位置和筛选器顺序。
7、relation between average alias attenuation and filter order and sampling rate is derived from calculation.───计算导出了平均假频衰减与滤波器阶次及采样率的关系式。
8、Study on least-square adaptive filter order tracking in rotating machinery───最小二乘自适应滤波旋转机械阶比跟踪研究