1、He creates the smiley face, writes bumper stickers, and songs.───他发明了笑脸,写了不干胶贴和歌曲。
2、Depending on the type of product, you could enclose some free stickers or some candy--a little bonus to put a smile on the customer's face when he or she opens your box.───附送的小礼品可以是一些免费的小贴纸或者是糖果-当你的顾客在打开赠送的礼品,脸上露出微笑,这就对你的回馈。
3、of those allowed got special passes and all the guests got little stickers with a cartoon of mom's face on it!───这些媒体会拿到一个特殊的通行证,而且所有来宾都拿到一个有妈妈头像的贴纸。
face stickers(意思翻译)
face stickers(相似词语短语)
1、fretwork stickers───网格贴纸
2、bumper stickers───保险杆贴纸;车尾贴
3、pot stickers───锅贴;煎饺
4、twelve stickers───十二个贴纸
5、bill stickers───票据贴纸
6、fathead stickers───肥头贴纸
7、paste stickers───粘贴贴纸
8、many stickers───许多贴纸
9、some stickers───一些贴纸
face stickers(双语使用场景)
1、He creates the smiley face, writes bumper stickers, and songs.───他发明了笑脸,写了不干胶贴和歌曲。
2、Depending on the type of product, you could enclose some free stickers or some candy--a little bonus to put a smile on the customer's face when he or she opens your box.───附送的小礼品可以是一些免费的小贴纸或者是糖果-当你的顾客在打开赠送的礼品,脸上露出微笑,这就对你的回馈。
3、of those allowed got special passes and all the guests got little stickers with a cartoon of mom's face on it!───这些媒体会拿到一个特殊的通行证,而且所有来宾都拿到一个有妈妈头像的贴纸。