1、2 regular cleaning shoes, gently wipe with a damp cloth; not fierce brush with the brush.───定期清洁鞋子,用湿布轻拭;切勿用刷子猛刷。
2、these? I asked, holding up the tennis shoes. I might be able to squeeze into these. My feet felt damp and chilled on the cold ground.───这双怎么样?”我问着,拿起网球鞋,“我也许能塞得进去。”我站在冰冷的地上,脚底感到又湿又冷。
3、On cold rainy days in February, when my shoes are soaked and my legs are damp, I often find myself wondering, “Why did I decide to live without a car?───在 2月份湿冷的雨天中,当我的鞋湿透了,我的裤腿是潮湿的,我经常扪心自问:“为什么我要决定让汽车远离我的生活?”
damp shoes(意思翻译)
damp shoes(相似词语短语)
1、damp towel───湿纸巾;湿毛巾
2、damp crossword───潮湿纵横字谜
4、damp down───[冶]封火;使(某物表面)润湿; 使(兴趣、热情等)降低; 衰减; 减少
5、damp def───潮湿def
6、damp synonym───潮湿同义词
7、damp air───[气象][物]潮湿空气;湿空气;潮湿空气,高湿度空气
8、damp plaster───湿灰泥
9、damp squib───n.失败,落空
damp shoes(双语使用场景)
1、2 regular cleaning shoes, gently wipe with a damp cloth; not fierce brush with the brush.───定期清洁鞋子,用湿布轻拭;切勿用刷子猛刷。
2、these? I asked, holding up the tennis shoes. I might be able to squeeze into these. My feet felt damp and chilled on the cold ground.───这双怎么样?”我问着,拿起网球鞋,“我也许能塞得进去。”我站在冰冷的地上,脚底感到又湿又冷。
3、On cold rainy days in February, when my shoes are soaked and my legs are damp, I often find myself wondering, “Why did I decide to live without a car?───在 2月份湿冷的雨天中,当我的鞋湿透了,我的裤腿是潮湿的,我经常扪心自问:“为什么我要决定让汽车远离我的生活?”