1、The Clearwater Cave system is also the largest by volume and is believed to be.───这里的清水洞XiTong也被认为是世界上容积最大的洞穴。
2、The official name of the system is the Mammoth-Flint Ridge Cave System for the ridge under which the cave has formed.───官方为这个在山脊下形成的山洞命名为猛犸-燧石山脊洞穴XiTong。
3、The hole is the opening to what was a dry cave system during the Ice Age.───这个洞是冰河时期一个干岩洞XiTong的开口。
4、The hole is the opening to what was a dry cave system during the Ice Age.───这洞开始是开放的当在冰河时代是一个干洞XiTong。
5、Further exploration of that cave system is called for. I don't know if we found enough clues .───在那洞穴的内部进行深入调查是应该做的,我不知道是否我们找够了线索。
6、Phased by diving surface rise, relatively high paleogeomorphology developed karst cave system in many times.───受潜水面阶段性上浮,相对高的古地貌上发育多期次岩溶洞穴XiTong。
7、That is to say, it is possible and feasible to detect fracture-cave system by way of seismic means in carbonate reservoir.───由此证明了对碳酸盐岩储层的缝洞XiTong进行地震检测不仅可能而且可行。
8、The official name of the system is the Mammoth-Flint ridge cave system for the ridge under which the cave has formed.───官方为这个在山脊下形成的山洞命名为猛犸-燧石山脊洞穴XiTong。
9、Oil-gas migration occurred along the path with the least resistance in dissolution fissure-cave system under the drive of buoyancy.───在岩溶缝洞体系内,油气受浮力驱动并取道阻力最小的路径发生运移。
cave system(英语使用场景)
1、Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky has the longest known cave system in the world, stretching more than 585 kilometers.
2、Mammoth Cave National Park is a U.S. National Park in central Kentucky, encompassing portions of Mammoth Cave, the longest cave system known in the world.
3、As the human footprint expands, many amphibians are being pushed back into marginal areas, such as the Mexican cave system where the cave splayfoot salamander (Chiropterotriton mosaueri) turned up.
cave system(意思翻译)
cave system(相似词语短语)
1、cave house───窑洞
2、deep cave───深洞
3、innermost cave───最里面的洞穴
4、plato cave───柏拉图洞穴
5、cave town───洞穴小镇
7、antre cave───地下室炭疽
8、geckos cave───壁虎洞
9、cave paintings───洞穴画;洞穴壁画(cavepainting的复数)
cave system(双语使用场景)
1、The Clearwater Cave system is also the largest by volume and is believed to be.───这里的清水洞XiTong也被认为是世界上容积最大的洞穴。
2、The official name of the system is the Mammoth-Flint Ridge Cave System for the ridge under which the cave has formed.───官方为这个在山脊下形成的山洞命名为猛犸-燧石山脊洞穴XiTong。
3、The hole is the opening to what was a dry cave system during the Ice Age.───这个洞是冰河时期一个干岩洞XiTong的开口。
4、The hole is the opening to what was a dry cave system during the Ice Age.───这洞开始是开放的当在冰河时代是一个干洞XiTong。
5、Further exploration of that cave system is called for. I don't know if we found enough clues .───在那洞穴的内部进行深入调查是应该做的,我不知道是否我们找够了线索。
6、Phased by diving surface rise, relatively high paleogeomorphology developed karst cave system in many times.───受潜水面阶段性上浮,相对高的古地貌上发育多期次岩溶洞穴XiTong。
7、That is to say, it is possible and feasible to detect fracture-cave system by way of seismic means in carbonate reservoir.───由此证明了对碳酸盐岩储层的缝洞XiTong进行地震检测不仅可能而且可行。
8、The official name of the system is the Mammoth-Flint ridge cave system for the ridge under which the cave has formed.───官方为这个在山脊下形成的山洞命名为猛犸-燧石山脊洞穴XiTong。
9、Oil-gas migration occurred along the path with the least resistance in dissolution fissure-cave system under the drive of buoyancy.───在岩溶缝洞体系内,油气受浮力驱动并取道阻力最小的路径发生运移。
cave system(英语使用场景)
1、Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky has the longest known cave system in the world, stretching more than 585 kilometers.
2、Mammoth Cave National Park is a U.S. National Park in central Kentucky, encompassing portions of Mammoth Cave, the longest cave system known in the world.
3、As the human footprint expands, many amphibians are being pushed back into marginal areas, such as the Mexican cave system where the cave splayfoot salamander (Chiropterotriton mosaueri) turned up.