1、For example, a master data management solution might be centered on part information or vehicle information at an automotive manufacturer.───例如,对于汽车制造商,主数据管理解决方案可能集中于零件信息或车辆信息。
2、The development lead can then update the master solution from source code control by checking out the appropriate diagrams and files.───然后,开发组长就可以通过签出相应的关系图和文件根据源代码管理更新主解决方案。
3、Registry MDM solution pattern: at least a skeleton master data system is build to provide a system of record for a real-time reference access.───注册MDM解决方案模式:构建至少一个骨架主数据XiTong,从而提供支持实时引用访问的记录XiTong。
4、Solutions Partitioned from a Master Solution───根据主解决方案划分的解决方案
5、After partitioning a solution into smaller solutions, you might also keep the original solution as a "master" solution.───将解决方案划分为更小的解决方案后,也可以将原始解决方案保留为“主”解决方案。
6、Master Solution is the innovative psycho-technique: it gives immediate relief from most types of pain.───主创新的解决方案是心理和技术:它可以提供给大多数类型的疼痛立即缓解。
7、Updating the Master Solution with Changes to Partitioned Solutions───使用对划分解决方案的更改更新主解决方案
8、Retaining the Original Solution as the Master Solution───将原始解决方案保留为主解决方案
9、The MDM Solution creates an authoritative source of trusted information for master data entities.───MDM 解决方案为主数据实体创建一个权威可信的信息源。
master solution(意思翻译)
master solution(相似词语短语)
2、wrinkless solution───无皱纹溶液
4、bazar solution───巴扎解决方案
5、polymer solution───聚合物溶液;高分子溶液
6、alcoholic solution───n.醇溶液;酒精溶液
7、approximating solution───[数]近似解
8、alkalescent solution───碱性溶液
9、simple solution───单纯溶液;简单溶体
master solution(双语使用场景)
1、For example, a master data management solution might be centered on part information or vehicle information at an automotive manufacturer.───例如,对于汽车制造商,主数据管理解决方案可能集中于零件信息或车辆信息。
2、The development lead can then update the master solution from source code control by checking out the appropriate diagrams and files.───然后,开发组长就可以通过签出相应的关系图和文件根据源代码管理更新主解决方案。
3、Registry MDM solution pattern: at least a skeleton master data system is build to provide a system of record for a real-time reference access.───注册MDM解决方案模式:构建至少一个骨架主数据XiTong,从而提供支持实时引用访问的记录XiTong。
4、Solutions Partitioned from a Master Solution───根据主解决方案划分的解决方案
5、After partitioning a solution into smaller solutions, you might also keep the original solution as a "master" solution.───将解决方案划分为更小的解决方案后,也可以将原始解决方案保留为“主”解决方案。
6、Master Solution is the innovative psycho-technique: it gives immediate relief from most types of pain.───主创新的解决方案是心理和技术:它可以提供给大多数类型的疼痛立即缓解。
7、Updating the Master Solution with Changes to Partitioned Solutions───使用对划分解决方案的更改更新主解决方案
8、Retaining the Original Solution as the Master Solution───将原始解决方案保留为主解决方案
9、The MDM Solution creates an authoritative source of trusted information for master data entities.───MDM 解决方案为主数据实体创建一个权威可信的信息源。