1、of six jobs in the nation is associated with the automobile business.───全国有六分之一的工作均与汽车行业有关。
2、One out of six Americans, like Gina and John, lives in poverty.───六个美国人当中有一个,像吉娜和约翰一样,贫穷的生活着。
3、According to the Center of Disease Control, one out of six diabetics will require an amputation (below the knee) during their lifetime.───根据疾病控制中心,六分之一的糖尿病患者在他们的生命中需要截肢(膝盖一下)。
4、That means one out of six people on the planet uses Huawei hardware.───那意味着,地球上每六个人中,就有一个人使用华为的硬件。
5、One out of six Americans is unemployed or underemployed.───目前六个美国人中,就有一个失业或没有充分就业。
6、That means one out of six people on the planet uses Huawei hardware.───这意味着,地球上每六个人中就有一个人使用华为的硬件。
7、One out of six Americans, like Gina and John, lives in poverty.───每六个美国人当中有一个,像吉娜和约翰一样,贫穷的生活着。
8、By that time, almost one out of six of them had dementia. The researchers found that dementia was more common in those with wider bellies.───岁的时候,几乎六分之一的人患了痴呆。研究人员发现痴呆在腹部肥胖的人群中更为普遍。
9、Seventeen percent of foreign students, or one out of six, studied engineering during the last academic year.───在上个学年,17%或者说六分之一的外国留学生学习工程学。
one out of six(意思翻译)
one out of six(相似词语短语)
1、one out of───其中一个
2、go out of one───走出一个
4、six of us───我们六个人
5、one of───其中之一,之一
6、of one───一个的
7、odd one out───剔除一个;格格不入
8、one of one───一个一个
9、six to six───六到六
one out of six(双语使用场景)
1、of six jobs in the nation is associated with the automobile business.───全国有六分之一的工作均与汽车行业有关。
2、One out of six Americans, like Gina and John, lives in poverty.───六个美国人当中有一个,像吉娜和约翰一样,贫穷的生活着。
3、According to the Center of Disease Control, one out of six diabetics will require an amputation (below the knee) during their lifetime.───根据疾病控制中心,六分之一的糖尿病患者在他们的生命中需要截肢(膝盖一下)。
4、That means one out of six people on the planet uses Huawei hardware.───那意味着,地球上每六个人中,就有一个人使用华为的硬件。
5、One out of six Americans is unemployed or underemployed.───目前六个美国人中,就有一个失业或没有充分就业。
6、That means one out of six people on the planet uses Huawei hardware.───这意味着,地球上每六个人中就有一个人使用华为的硬件。
7、One out of six Americans, like Gina and John, lives in poverty.───每六个美国人当中有一个,像吉娜和约翰一样,贫穷的生活着。
8、By that time, almost one out of six of them had dementia. The researchers found that dementia was more common in those with wider bellies.───岁的时候,几乎六分之一的人患了痴呆。研究人员发现痴呆在腹部肥胖的人群中更为普遍。
9、Seventeen percent of foreign students, or one out of six, studied engineering during the last academic year.───在上个学年,17%或者说六分之一的外国留学生学习工程学。