1、Yet the link between feeling good and spending money on others can be seen among rich and poor people around the world, and scarcity enhances the pleasure of most things for most people.───然而,世界各地的不管是富人还是穷人身上都可以看到感觉良好和为他人花钱之间的联系,而稀缺性提高了多数人对绝大多数事物的乐趣。
2、I hope to be fit when the World Championship comes around next year.───希望明年世界锦标赛再度举行时我能身体健康。
3、India international construction exhibition will be held in Mumbai, which will be around the world more than 200 exhibitors gathered in the square to the more than 9,000 building materials event.───印度国际建筑展将在孟买举行,届时将有世界各地的200多家参展商集聚在这个9000多平方的建材盛会。
be around the world(意思翻译)
be around the world(相似词语短语)
1、hatches around the world───世界各地的孵化器
2、around world───世界各地
3、dwarfs around the world───世界各地的矮人
4、move around the world───环游时间
5、hatchets around the world───世界各地的斧头
6、world around───世界各地
7、cokes around the world───世界各地的可乐
8、around of the world───世界各地
9、all around the world───全世界;在世界上
be around the world(双语使用场景)
1、Yet the link between feeling good and spending money on others can be seen among rich and poor people around the world, and scarcity enhances the pleasure of most things for most people.───然而,世界各地的不管是富人还是穷人身上都可以看到感觉良好和为他人花钱之间的联系,而稀缺性提高了多数人对绝大多数事物的乐趣。
2、I hope to be fit when the World Championship comes around next year.───希望明年世界锦标赛再度举行时我能身体健康。
3、India international construction exhibition will be held in Mumbai, which will be around the world more than 200 exhibitors gathered in the square to the more than 9,000 building materials event.───印度国际建筑展将在孟买举行,届时将有世界各地的200多家参展商集聚在这个9000多平方的建材盛会。