1、Almost six months on, the reverberations are being felt on the other side of the world.───近六个月以来,世界其他地方都出现了类似的报道。
2、THE reverberations from last month's ruling by Germany's Constitutional Court on the European Union's Lisbon treaty seem to be growing.───关于德国XianFaFaYuan上月对欧盟里斯本条约裁定的反响不断。
3、Reverberations of that political battle, as well as the one over property rights, could be heard in some of the conference presentations.───除了私人产权以外,政治斗争的回响也能在研讨会的一些发言中听到。
4、reverberations of this crisis with the rise in foreclosures.───危机仍然余波未了,房屋止赎数量还在上升。
5、Given the potentially wide reverberations, this will be an interesting trend to watch over the next six months.───鉴于影响范围涉及广泛,接下来的六个月中,这将会是个可供观察的有趣现象。
6、[third sound sample] The new simulation reduced reverberations from seven seconds long to three and a half, making the music much clearer.───新的FangZhenXiTong降低了回声时间从7秒至3.5秒,让声音更加清晰。
7、"We are in the midst of a regional earthquake, " says one of his ministers, clearly horrified by its possible reverberations.───作为对这个局势的反应,一位部长惊恐地称道:“我们正经受着一个区域性的地震。”
8、To track these reverberations, Dr. Tononi and his colleagues recorded brain activity with a mesh of scalp electrodes.───为了观察这些产生的刺激反射,托诺博士和他的同事用一个网状的头皮电极来记录大脑的活动。
9、the end, the attempt failed, but the reverberations still can be felt today.───最后尝试以失败告终,但其反响至今依然存在。
1、When the reverberations ceased, the gabble of the audience also did.
2、The reverberations of the drum were still vibrating in the air.
3、You've gotta be attenuating one while monitoring reverberations through the other.
4、The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education.
5、Fenn froze, shoulders hunched, until the reverberations died away.
6、Reverberations from that situation still linger.
7、It is painful, then, that some one like Marge Piercy can ignore its reverberations in our present age.
8、The June 5 union election will have reverberations throughout the auto industry.
9、Sea - bottom reverberations would extrapolate back - wards in time to a zero member.
1、reverberation define───定义混响
3、reverberation defined───混响定义
4、reverberation means───混响意味着
5、reverberation codycross───混响系数
6、reverberation beach boys───混响海滩男孩
7、reverberation meaning───混响意义
1、Almost six months on, the reverberations are being felt on the other side of the world.───近六个月以来,世界其他地方都出现了类似的报道。
2、THE reverberations from last month's ruling by Germany's Constitutional Court on the European Union's Lisbon treaty seem to be growing.───关于德国XianFaFaYuan上月对欧盟里斯本条约裁定的反响不断。
3、Reverberations of that political battle, as well as the one over property rights, could be heard in some of the conference presentations.───除了私人产权以外,政治斗争的回响也能在研讨会的一些发言中听到。
4、reverberations of this crisis with the rise in foreclosures.───危机仍然余波未了,房屋止赎数量还在上升。
5、Given the potentially wide reverberations, this will be an interesting trend to watch over the next six months.───鉴于影响范围涉及广泛,接下来的六个月中,这将会是个可供观察的有趣现象。
6、[third sound sample] The new simulation reduced reverberations from seven seconds long to three and a half, making the music much clearer.───新的FangZhenXiTong降低了回声时间从7秒至3.5秒,让声音更加清晰。
7、"We are in the midst of a regional earthquake, " says one of his ministers, clearly horrified by its possible reverberations.───作为对这个局势的反应,一位部长惊恐地称道:“我们正经受着一个区域性的地震。”
8、To track these reverberations, Dr. Tononi and his colleagues recorded brain activity with a mesh of scalp electrodes.───为了观察这些产生的刺激反射,托诺博士和他的同事用一个网状的头皮电极来记录大脑的活动。
9、the end, the attempt failed, but the reverberations still can be felt today.───最后尝试以失败告终,但其反响至今依然存在。
1、When the reverberations ceased, the gabble of the audience also did.
2、The reverberations of the drum were still vibrating in the air.
3、You've gotta be attenuating one while monitoring reverberations through the other.
4、The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education.
5、Fenn froze, shoulders hunched, until the reverberations died away.
6、Reverberations from that situation still linger.
7、It is painful, then, that some one like Marge Piercy can ignore its reverberations in our present age.
8、The June 5 union election will have reverberations throughout the auto industry.
9、Sea - bottom reverberations would extrapolate back - wards in time to a zero member.