1、Some people -- I've got an English friend in China, and he said, "The continent is sleepwalking into oblivion. "───某些人,如一个我在中国的英国朋友,他说,“欧洲DaLu正逐渐被人遗忘却不自知”。
2、I have an English friend.───我有一个英国朋友。
3、is likely that an Italian with a working facility in English would have been hired, but my friend did not look an Italian.───一个带着英文的工作设备的意大利人有可能被雇佣,但是,我的朋友看起来不像意大利人。
4、When author James Fallows shared a beer in a Japanese bar with an English friend in 1986, his friend said, Why don't you just face the fact that you're second-raters, like us?───作家詹姆斯法罗斯 (James Fallows)先生1986年在一家日本酒吧与一个英国朋友喝酒时,他的朋友说,“为什么你们不像我们一样接收二等国家这个事实呢?”
5、The Beijing businessman who called up an English friend to ask where he could get hold of the latest model Aston Martin.───一位北京商人给他的英国朋友打电话,询问如何才能买到最新的AstonMartin轿车。
6、Seeking for an English friend───找外国友人互学母语
7、Some people, I've got an English friend in China, he said "the continent is sleepwalking into oblivion. "───有人,我有一个在中国的英国朋友,他说,“旧DaLu在梦游似的会被遗忘。”
an english friend(意思翻译)
an english friend(相似词语短语)
1、friend talk───朋友间的谈话
2、an english book───一本英语书
3、syntactically english is an───从句法上讲,英语是一种语言
4、an english ciub───英国社团
6、an english class───英语课
7、friend house───朋友之家
an english friend(双语使用场景)
1、Some people -- I've got an English friend in China, and he said, "The continent is sleepwalking into oblivion. "───某些人,如一个我在中国的英国朋友,他说,“欧洲DaLu正逐渐被人遗忘却不自知”。
2、I have an English friend.───我有一个英国朋友。
3、is likely that an Italian with a working facility in English would have been hired, but my friend did not look an Italian.───一个带着英文的工作设备的意大利人有可能被雇佣,但是,我的朋友看起来不像意大利人。
4、When author James Fallows shared a beer in a Japanese bar with an English friend in 1986, his friend said, Why don't you just face the fact that you're second-raters, like us?───作家詹姆斯法罗斯 (James Fallows)先生1986年在一家日本酒吧与一个英国朋友喝酒时,他的朋友说,“为什么你们不像我们一样接收二等国家这个事实呢?”
5、The Beijing businessman who called up an English friend to ask where he could get hold of the latest model Aston Martin.───一位北京商人给他的英国朋友打电话,询问如何才能买到最新的AstonMartin轿车。
6、Seeking for an English friend───找外国友人互学母语
7、Some people, I've got an English friend in China, he said "the continent is sleepwalking into oblivion. "───有人,我有一个在中国的英国朋友,他说,“旧DaLu在梦游似的会被遗忘。”