1、In this way, you will increase your energy more and more, you will achieve greater things and your life will burst with excitement, and people will come closer and closer to you.───这样你的能量就会越来越高,成果就会越来越多,你的人生就会越来越精彩,也会有越来越多的人靠近你。
2、One beast is seen in profile, the other racing away; both burst with frightening energy.───一只隐约可见侧面,另一只急速奔跑;两只豹子爆发出惊人的能量。
3、You can start this week with a burst of energy, new ideas in your work, new opportunities or a time more favorable for you positions.───您的这一周将伴随着一阵精力、工作上的新想法、关于职务的新机会或一段更令人愉快的时间而开始。
burst with energy(意思翻译)
burst with energy(相似词语短语)
1、burst through───冲开,冲破;推开,拨开
2、eardrum burst───鼓膜爆裂
3、burst of───爆发
4、sudden burst───突然爆炸;猝发
7、burst open───v.猛然打开; 绷
8、burst with───v.突然发生
9、burst in───闯入;突然出现;打断;v.闯入,打断,突然出现; 闯进
burst with energy(双语使用场景)
1、In this way, you will increase your energy more and more, you will achieve greater things and your life will burst with excitement, and people will come closer and closer to you.───这样你的能量就会越来越高,成果就会越来越多,你的人生就会越来越精彩,也会有越来越多的人靠近你。
2、One beast is seen in profile, the other racing away; both burst with frightening energy.───一只隐约可见侧面,另一只急速奔跑;两只豹子爆发出惊人的能量。
3、You can start this week with a burst of energy, new ideas in your work, new opportunities or a time more favorable for you positions.───您的这一周将伴随着一阵精力、工作上的新想法、关于职务的新机会或一段更令人愉快的时间而开始。
burst with energy(英语使用场景)
1、She burst with energy.